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Bal des Conscrits de Besse Auf dem Vous propose de venir vous dtendre avec nous le temps dune soire, que se soit pour faire une pause anhänger vos rvisions, de souffler aprs les prüft, ou tous einfachheit de passer (encore) une bonne soire avec nous. ) On se retrouve donc le 30 MAI la Salle polyvalente de BESSE La musique sera assur par Extremusic Disco-mobile et la Buvette sera au rendez-vous videment) Am vous annonce que une grande partie dentre nous auf sera en mode dcompression et Seren gießen Donc en GRANDE, trs GRANDE FORME. Lesen Sie mehr 81 haben diese Veranstaltung als Lesezeichen markiert. Ihre Reise beginnt jetzt. Recover password.8220Sie neigen dazu, die schlimmsten 5 der pakistanischen Geschichte 95 der Zeit.8221 pakistanischen Entrepreneur Monis Rahman hören Die meisten der Rezensionen der Pakistans Jahr 2011 passen die oben beschriebene Beschreibung, wie Pakistans Geschichte von ausländischen und inländischen Medien in der engagiert erzählt wird 24X7 Nachrichtenzyklus. Also lassen Sie mich die schlimmsten 5 der Geschichte aus dem Weg, bevor ich Ihnen den Rest der 95 davon. Die schlimmsten 5 der Pakistans-Geschichte im Jahr 2011: Pakistan hinzugefügt, um die Liste der mehrere schwere Krisen von Energie, Wirtschaft, Bildung, Sicherheit und die schlimmste jemals Governance durch Hinzufügen eines weiteren - ein zivil-militärischer Konflikt durch die Hybris, Inkompetenz und Korruption Der herrschenden Völker Parteiführung. Diese derzeitige Krise droht nun, die Demokratie mit der rasch rückläufigen Popularität der Regierung Zardari-Gilani und den zunehmenden Einschätzungen des pakistanischen Militärs und seiner Führung zu diskreditieren und zu entgleisen. Jetzt die restliche Pakistan-Geschichte im Jahr 2011: 1. Die aktuelle PPP-geführte Koalition erreichte einen wichtigen Meilenstein, die am längsten dienende gewählte Zivilregierung in der Geschichte Pakistans zu werden. 2. Die tiefe Unzufriedenheit mit dem PPP-PML (N) - Duopol führte zu einer glaubwürdigen dritten Option mit dem Auftauchen der pakistanischen Partei Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), angeführt vom populären Kricketer-Politiker Imran Khan. Die PTI gewann insbesondere in Lahore und Karachi große Impulse mit erfolgreichen politischen Rallyes. 1. Die frühkindliche Bildung hat mit Sim Sim Hamara einen deutlichen Aufschwung erlebt. Pakistanische Anpassung der beliebten Sesame Street TV-Show für Vorschulkinder. 2. Pakistan war weiterhin vor Indien in Graduierung Preise auf allen Ebenen. Nach 2011 Update von Harvard Forscher Robert Barro und Jong-Wha Lee veröffentlicht. 3. Pakistan erreicht die Unterscheidung, die weltweit größte Fulbright-Stiftung Programm im Jahr 2011 mit etwa 200 Stipendien für fortgeschrittene Abschlüsse im Laufe des Jahres. 4. Punjab-Regierung ins Leben gerufen Elite-dänischen Schulsystem für Hochleistungs-aber schlecht College-Studenten in Southern Punjab Region. Öffentliche dänische Schulen sind als Alternative zu den besten privaten Privatschulen gedacht, die außerhalb der Reichweite der armen ländlichen Studenten liegen. Es gibt derzeit zwei Schulen in Chistian, Hasilpur und Rahim Yar Khan, und ehrgeizige Pläne für über 600 solcher Schulen in der Zukunft. 5. Die Citizens Foundation (TCF), eine private Stiftung, baute ihr Schulnetzwerk weiter aus und erreichte im April 2011 insgesamt 730 gut ausgestattete Schulen, in denen über 100.000 meist benachteiligte Schülerinnen und Schüler untergebracht waren. 71 dieser TCF-Schulen wurden mit Mitteln von pakistanisch-amerikanischen Gebern betrieben. 6. Die britische Regierung hat 1 Milliarde zur Unterstützung der Grundschulbildung in Pakistan über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren angekündigt. Das Geld wird Bildung für bis zu 4 Millionen Studenten finanzieren, 9.000 Lehrer ausbilden, 6 Millionen neue Lehrbücher kaufen und bis 2015 8.000 Schulen aufbauen. 1. Pakistans Dame Gesundheit Arbeiter wurden als die besten in der Welt von einem Boston University Forscher und Autor beschrieben Einer gemeindebasierten Gesundheitsversorgung in Pakistan. 1. Das Jahr 2011 sah eine stille soziale Revolution in Pakistan mit steigender Anzahl von Frauen, die sich der Belegschaft anschlossen und die Leiter des Unternehmens aufstieg. Mehr von ihnen (Frauen) als jemals finden Beschäftigung finden, tun alles von Pumpen von Benzin und Portion Burger bei McDonald8217s, um große Konzerne, sagte ein Bericht 2011 in Businessweek Magazin. 2. Die Frauen machen heute 4,6 Mitglieder in pakistanischen Gesellschaften aus, ein bisschen weniger als im 4.7-Durchschnitt im aufstrebenden Asien, aber höher als 1 in Südkorea, 4,1 in Indien und Indonesien und 4,2 in Malaysia, so ein Bericht vom Februar 2011 Auf Frauen in den Vorstandsetagen. 3. Im ländlichen Sindh begann die Regierung, mehr als 212.864 Hektar staatlichen Landwirtschaftsflächen an landlose Bauern in der Provinz zu gewähren. Mehr als die Hälfte des landwirtschaftlich genutzten Grundstücks wird vorrangig (landbewässert) von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen, und der Rest ist Barani oder regenabhängig. Etwa 70 Prozent der 5.800 Begünstigten dieser Gabe sind Frauen. Andere Provinzregierungen, vor allem die Punjab-Regierung haben auch angekündigt, Land Zuteilung für Frauen, für die erste Umfragen sind im Gange, nach ActionAid Pakistan. 1. Mittelklasse Konsumenten begannen wieder im Jahr 2011. mehr als 10.000 weitere Einheiten von lokal montierten Autos wurden im Juli-November 2011 verkauft mit Verkäufen schlagen 62.353 Einheiten im Vergleich zu 52.200 Einheiten im gleichen Zeitraum des Jahres 2010. Auto-Verkäufe in Pakistan traf ein zwei Jahre Hoch, springen 61 im Juli 2011 auf 17.563 Einheiten von 10.942 Einheiten im gleichen Monat des Vorjahres. Pak Suzuki Motor Company führte die Auto-Verkäufe mit 116 Prozent Anstieg auf 11,997 Einheiten von 4,503 gesehen im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres. 2. Weg von der Gewalt und den Schwierigkeiten der großen Städte erlebte die Wirtschaft des ländlichen Pakistan einen Boom. Flush mit Bargeld von Stoßfänger Getreide zu Rekord-Rohstoffpreise, die Landwirte verbrachte auf Traktoren. Autos. Motorrädern. Handys, Körperpflegeartikel, verpackte Lebensmittel und Getränke und andere Konsumgüter wie nie zuvor. Höhere Getreidepreise erhöhten Landwirte8217 Einkommen in Pakistan durch Rs. 342 Milliarden in den 12 Monaten bis Juni, nach einer staatlichen Konjunkturerhebung. Das war höher als der Gewinn von Rs. 329 Milliarden in den vergangenen acht Jahren, nach einem Bericht von Bloomberg News. Unternehmen wie Millat Traktoren. Honda Atlas Motorräder kaufen. Pak Suzuki Motoren, Engro Foods, Telnor, Nestle, Colgate-Palmolive und Unilever sind große Nutznießer des ländlichen Verbrauchs Boom. 3. Pakistans Key-Aktienindex KSE-100 sank etwa 5 im Jahr 2011 deutlich weniger als die meisten Schwellenländer auf der ganzen Welt. Mumbais Sensex, im Gegensatz dazu, verlor etwa 25 seines Wertes und stellte es zu den schlechtesten Märkten der Welt. 1. Im Bereich erneuerbare Energien, insbesondere Wasserkraftwerke und Windparks, wurden bedeutende Neuinvestitionen angekündigt. WAPDA angekündigt, 28 Abschluss der 969 MW Neelum-Jhelum Wasserkraftprojekt. Und ADB nahm die Lead-Financier-Rolle in der 4500 MW Diamer-Bhasha Staudammprojekt. Pakistan hat rund 1.000 MW an Windenergieanlagen in verschiedenen Planungs - und Bauabschnitten und weitere 498,5 Megawatt Windprogramme, vor allem in Jhimpir, Gharo, Keti Bandar und Port Qasim Windkorridoren entlang der Arabischen Meeresküste in Sindh. 2. Zusätzlich zu Milliarden Tonnen Kohlelagerstätten in Sindh bestätigte die Exploration die Präsenz von bis zu 60 Billionen Kubikfuß Schiefergas in Pakistan, genug für 20 Jahre oder mehr. 1. Als die USA-Pakistan-Beziehungen sank auf neue Tiefststände. Es gab vorläufige Anzeichen dafür, dass Pakistans Kampf gegen Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) beginnt, erfolgreich zu sein. Es gab keine großen Terroranschläge in Pakistan seit der Mehran Naval Base Belagerung in Karachi im Mai 2011. 2. Todesopfer vom Terrorismus sank für das dritte Jahr in Folge, nach South Asia Terrorism Portal. Nach einem Spitzenwert von 11 704 im Jahr 2009 fiel die Zahl der Todesfälle auf 7 435 im Jahr 2010 und 6 048 im Jahr 2011. 3. Riesige politische Rallyes im Jahr 2011 vergangen ohne Gewalt, so dass das Vertrauen in die Sicherheitslage in den großen pakistanischen Städten. Während tiefe Besorgnisse über die pakistanische Fähigkeit bestehen, die unzähligen Krisen, mit denen sie heute konfrontiert sind, zu überwinden, zeigte das Jahr 2011, dass die Menschen weiterhin unerschrocken und belastbar bleiben. Eine bedeutende Anzahl von ihnen, wie Edhi Grundlage, die Bürger-Grundlage, pakistanische Dame Health Workers und andere zeigen den Weg, indem sie Kerzen anstatt verfluchte Dunkelheit anzünden. Beeindruckende Bildung Aufregung Sie können nicht genug Babys sparen, wenn Sie im Geschäft der Herstellung 39em in Ihrer Freizeit sind, die Sie reichlich haben, können Sie nicht genug krank heilen, können Sie nicht genug hungrig genug füttern, aber Sie können die Zukunft zu trainieren, über die Zeit jemand hat die Vision. Dir auch ein frohes neues Jahr. Mike: quotYou kann nicht genug Babys sparen, wenn Sie im Geschäft der Herstellung 39em in Ihrer Freizeit sind .. Wichtige Trends wie schnelle Urbanisierung und steigende weibliche Bildung helfen, bringen die Geburtenraten in Pakistan. So sind die elektronischen Medien. Es gab eine Studie von amerikanischen Ökonomen, die festgestellt, dass Kabel-TV-Haushalte hatten niedrigere Geburtenraten, weniger häusliche Mißbrauch und hielt Töchter in Schulen in Entwicklungsländern. Rapid Urbanization bedeutet, dass Pakistan wissensbasierte Wirtschaft in Dienstleistungssektoren und in geringerem Umfang im verarbeitenden Gewerbe schaffen muss. Ich sehe nicht, dass Pakistan für jeden von ihnen bereit ist. Mukund: quotRapid Urbanisierung bedeutet, dass Pakistan wissensbasierte Wirtschaft in Dienstleistungssektoren und in geringerem Ausmaß im verarbeitenden Gewerbe schaffen muss. "Pakistan39s Landwirtschaft macht weniger als 20 des BIP aus, der Rest ist Dienstleistungen und Fertigung. Ungefähr 60 von India39s Arbeitskräfte sind in der Landwirtschaft. Die Textilindustrie ist der zweitgrößte Arbeitgeber, der ein Fünftel der Exporte Indiens ausmacht, und beschäftigt fast 10 Prozent der Beschäftigten in Indien8217 oder etwa 35 Millionen Menschen und hat das Potenzial, weitere 12 Millionen neue Arbeitsplätze hinzuzufügen - die 1-2 Millionen schädigen Arbeitsplätze, die durch die viel angekündigte IT-und BPO-Sektor, nach einem Bericht der Welt erstellt. Etwa 23 der Beschäftigten in Indien sind Teil des Dienstleistungssektors, der im Jahr 2007 55 Prozent des BIP ausmacht. Innerhalb des Dienstleistungssektors ist das am schnellsten wachsende Segment Unternehmensdienste, was etwa 7 des BIP beiträgt. Es umfasst IT-gestützte Dienste (ITES), Informationstechnologie (IT), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) usw. Im Jahr 2000 war es ein Drittel der Gesamtleistung der Dienstleistungen. Die Landwirtschaft in Pakistan macht 19,4% des BIP aus, 42% der Erwerbsbevölkerung, gefolgt von 53,4% des BIP und 38% der Beschäftigten, während der Rest des BIP bei 27,2% des BIP und 20% im verarbeitenden Gewerbe liegt. Über die Hälfte der pakistanischen Produktionsstätten befindet sich im Textilsektor und ist damit der zweitgrößte Arbeitgeber nach der Landwirtschaft. Apne Ulloo Songtexte Wassu Quaid-e-Azam Aya angrezo ko bhagaya Pakistan banaya Teera Maah chalaya Ziarat ke dourey par Aya maut ne isko Bulaya Dunya aakhir fani chor dya usko Jani sacha tha Pakistani mein dafnaya poora dunya Aya phoolon ka Chadar chadaya phir noton par Karachi Foto Aya goro ko Melodie Bhagya Quaid-e-Azam ke baad baba jo BHI aata hai apna ulloo seedha karta hai Shehzad Roy Apne ulloo Kitne taire ap tak Farbton na ap yeh seedhe Apne ulloo korey korey woh Yehi pe hai korey korey Apne ulloo Kitne taire tak na Farbton yeh seedhe Apne Ulloo korey korey woh Yehi pe hai korey korey Wassu Liaquat Ali Khan Aya usko aamro ne marwaya Iskandar Mirza Aya Usne nahin chalaya Allgemeine Ayub Khan Aya Eherecht Lagaya Mirza ko bahadur banaya 1965 ka Jang laraya Shastri ko maar bhagaya Aisa Sabak seekha moo Tod Jawab dilaya Nehr BHI banwaya isne BHI nahin chalaya Sir baad mein Aya Yahya Khan Adha Pakistan ganwaya Fauj ko Qaid karwaya Bangladesh chinaya isne BHI nahin chalaya Shehzad Roy Taale, waadey, Signal, dil sabkuch toda kuch nahin Choda kuch nahin Choda Sie Anzahl kaamon mein BHI hum Nummer zwei Summen Nummer zwei Kar Allah hoo Apne Ulloo Kitne taire ap tak na Farbton yeh seedhe Apne Ulloo korey korey woh Yehi pe hai Korey korey Wassu Bhutoo sahab jab Aya aisa nizam chalaya Pehle qaidy chudaya Zameen takseem karwaya Haari aur mazdooro ko dilwaya Miloo ko taala lagwaya eine Einheit toodwaya Sarkari khatam karaya roti Kapre ka nara Lagaya Sarmayadaro ne socha isse kabhi na hoga mansooba banaya Zia-ul-Haq mangwaya bhutto ko Qaid karwaya Kasuri ka Fall chalaya suli par latqaya Sir Marshal Law Lagaya Junejo ko mangwaya Wazeer-e-Azam banaya Usko mazool karwaya Referendum karaya Khud ko BHI chunwaya Bhutto ko BHI bhagaya Gericht mein Melodie Lagaya jailon mein bandh karwaya 11 saal chalaya Shehzad Roy koi Regel nahin hai Regel Yehi yeh baat sahi taariq ne ki taariq ne ki Apne Ulloo Kitne taire ap tak na Farbton yeh seedhe Apne Ulloo korey korey woh Yehi pe hai korey korey Wassu Rangeene ne Rang dikhaya Jaahaz USKA giraya Islamabad dafnaya Ghulam Ishaq Khan Aya mehangayi ko bharhaya 500rs bori aate ka bharhaya Ghareebo ko bhookh Maraya aik saal PPP ko diya usko mazool kya Nawaz Sharif ko mangaya wazeer-e-Azam banwaya uksko mazool karwaya Moin Qureshi Aya emandari nibhaya stimmen jald karwaya Fauj ko bulwaya dhandhali se bachaya jeet gya hai PPP Benazir jab Aya Bijli aur Gas dilwaya Thoda tankha barhaya Farooq ko sadar banaya siyasi Chakar Aya farooq ko gussa Aya Baugruppen khatam karwaya nigrah wazeer bhitaya Nishan tha Jiska Gepard Nawaz Sharif ne Jeeta Aaane mein Aaya 300 tankha barhaya Bhai logo ko danda chadhaya aathwi tarmeem khatam karaya Aate ki Kilat karwaya Aik peice PAKISTAN ka Amerika se atta karwaya Soobha Baluchistan ke Zilah Chagi mein aitamy Dhamaka karwaya Pervez Musharraf Aya Nawwz sharif ko Hataya aghwah ka kais chalwaya 100 takhwa barhaya karzey wapis karwaya Nawaz Sharif ko Qaid sunwaya mulk badar BHI karwaya aisa kaam karwaya ke tarar ko Melodie bhagaya khud ko Melodie sadar banaya Referendum karwaya khud ko jeetaya intekhabad karwaya Jamali sahab ko wazeer-e-Azam banwaya Jamali ne jurat aur bahaduri Yehi dikhaya ke apna Mohallah Azad karwaya Shehzad Roy Sab Hazm kiya sab khatam kya hum phir denge woh kaahe ge Hum Peeche hai Hut jaye zu sichern Abstimmung BHI gayi Abstimmung BHI gayi Apne zu Gayi Ulloo Kitne taire ap tak na Farbton yeh seedhe Apne Ulloo korey korey woh Yehi pe hai korey korey Apne Ulloo Kitne taire ap tak na Farbton yeh seedhe Apne Ulloo korey korey woh Yehi pe hai korey korey Wassu Shehzad Roy ne gaana banaya kisi ko Samaj Aya na Angelina Jolie aya baba sab ko samaj aya Danke für die ermutigende 2011 Überprüfung. Ich hätte das nie aus den Zeitungen allein erfahren. Auf einer Seite beachten Sie, sind Sie einer der bekanntesten Autoren auf Pakistan Ich bin mir bewusst und Ihr Blog dient immer dazu, meine Unwissenheit zu lindern. Bravo und schreiben Sie bitte weiter. Pakistan39s Inflation erleichtert zum zweijährigen Tief im Dezember 2011, berichtet Bloomberg Nachrichten: Pakistan8217s Inflation verlangsamte im Dezember zu dem niedrigsten Niveau in 25 Monaten und gab dem Zentralbankbereich, Zinssätze zu schneiden. Die Verbraucherpreise stiegen um 9,75 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr, sagte das Bureau of Statistics in Islamabad heute. Das verglichen mit einem 10.19 Prozent Gewinn im November. Die Emerging Markets von Indonesien nach Thailand haben die Geldpolitik zur Unterstützung der Nachfrage der Verbraucher erleichtert, da die Schuldenkrise in Europa einen globalen Konjunkturabschwung bedroht. Pakistan8217s Zentralbank letzten Monat links Preise unverändert, Pause, um die Auswirkungen einer 2-Prozent-Punkt-Schnitt seit Ende Juli als Auslandsinvestitionen sinken zu messen. 8220Die lockere Inflationsentwicklung wird Raum für einen weiteren Zinssatz geben, 8221 sagte Raza Jafri, ein Ökonom bei AKD Securities Ltd. in Karachi. 8220Die Zentralbank wird den Inflationsdruck, der von der Schwäche der Rupie ausgeht, weiterhin genau überwachen.8221 Die Pakistan-Rupie schwächte sich im Jahr 2011 um 5 Prozent auf 89,95 gegenüber dem US-Dollar und riskierte höhere Importkosten. Der Index der Karachi Börse 100 sank im vergangenen Jahr um 5,6 Prozent. Politische Entscheidungsträger in Pakistan planen, das Wirtschaftswachstum von 2,4 Prozent im Jahr zum 30. Juni beenden, eine der niedrigsten Expansionen in den letzten zehn Jahren, als das Land kämpfte, um mit Überschwemmungen und militanten Angriffen zu bewältigen. Die Wachstumsrate kann 0,5 Prozentpunkt niedriger sein als die Regierung Ziel von 4,2 Prozent für das laufende Geschäftsjahr, sagte ein Finanzministerium am 19. Oktober unter Berufung auf die Auswirkungen von Überschwemmungen im Land. Überschwemmungen im August gezwungen, mehr als eine Million Menschen aus ihren Häusern und beschädigte Getreide in Teilen des südlichen Pakistan noch erholt von den schlimmsten jemals Monsun Überschwemmungen im Jahr 2010. Terror-Angriffe in der südasiatischen Nation getötet haben mindestens 35.000 Menschen seit 2006, nach Regierung Schätzungen. Wie pro Ihre Aufstellung, hat pakistan getan anständig gut im Jahr 2011. Große Show für die Hervorhebung der positiven Punkte. Zwei Dinge in Bezug auf die 5, die wir ändern und konfrontieren müssen. 1. Als Kricket-Fan wie die meisten, das Spiel Fixierung Trio erschöpft das Talent der Nationalmannschaft. 2. Military Siphon noch enorme Mittel aus dem Haushalt - vielleicht Imran es das pakistanische Militär stoppt einen gefährlichen Taliban Kommandanten getötet, die für die Morde an Partituren von pakistanischen Soldaten, Polizisten und Zivilisten verantwortlich war, nach einem Bericht in Long War Journal: Qari Kamran, eine ältere Bewegung der Taliban im pakistanischen Kommandanten im nordwestlichen Bezirk von Nowshera, wurde zusammen mit 11 Kämpfern gestern während einer Militäroperation in der Stammesagentur von Khyber getötet. Die Taliban kämpfen sowohl gegen das pakistanische Militär als auch gegen die rivalisierende islamistische Terrorgruppe Laschkar-e-Islam in Khyber. Kamran war in einigen der tödlichsten Selbstmordattentate und Hinterhalte in Nordwestpakistan in den vergangenen Jahren beteiligt. Der verheerendste Angriff fand am 13. Mai 2011, als ein Selbstmordattentäter unter einer Menge von neu ausgebildeten Truppen von Pakistan39s paramilitärisch Frontier Corps in einem Ausbildungszentrum in Shabqadar im benachbarten Bezirk Charsadda detoniert. Dem Selbstmordattentäter folgte eine Autobombe. Mehr als 80 pakistanische Truppen und Zivilisten wurden in den Zwillingsstürmen getötet. Die Taliban behaupteten für den schrecklichen Angriff und sagten, dass es durchgeführt wurde, um den Tod des Al-Qaida-Emirs Osama bin Laden zu rächen, der von den US-Spezialeinheiten am 2. Mai 2011 in Abbottabad, Pakistan, getötet wurde. Der Anschlag von Shabqadar wurde verfolgt Durch den Selbstmordangriff am 5. Juni 2011 am Nowshera Cantonment, das 18 pakistanische Soldaten tötete. Lesen Sie mehr: longwarjournal. org/archives/2012/01/pakistanitroopskil. phpixzz1iLDHw6La Viele der Probleme Pakistans stammen aus terroristischer Gewalt, vor allem durch die TTP. Das TTP wurde durch pakistanische militärische Operationen und US-Drohnenschläge erschüttert. Es ist zersplittert in mehr als 100 kleineren Fraktionen, deutlich geschwächt und laufen knapp bei Bargeld, nach Sicherheitsbeamten, Analysten und Stammesangehörigen der Aufständischen, die mit den Reportern der Associated Press (AP) sprach. Es gab keine großen Terroranschläge in Pakistan seit der Mehran Naval Base Belagerung in Karachi im Mai 2011. Todesopfer vom Terrorismus sank für das dritte Jahr in Folge, nach South Asia Terrorism Portal. Nach dem Drücken wie in der Dämmerung einen Höchststand von 11.704 im Jahr 2009, die Zahl der Todesfälle sank auf 7435 im Jahr 2010 und 6.048 im Jahr 2011. Here39s wie Pakistan39s Finanzminister Dr. Hafeez Shaikh die Wirtschaft im Jahr 2012 sieht, berichtete: Outlook 2012, warum das Jahr 2012 Ist herausfordernd, sagte er, die globale Aktivität hat sich geschwächt und wird uneinheitlicher, das Vertrauen gefallen ist und Ängste der globalen wirtschaftlichen Rezession wachsen und mag 2008 Rezession diskutiert werden. Eine Reihe von Schocks haben die internationale Wirtschaft im vergangenen Jahr getroffen, darunter das verheerende japanische Erdbeben und den Tsunami, die Unruhen in einigen Erdölförderländern und die großen Finanzturbulenzen in der Eurozone. 8220Die Wirtschaft ist anfällig für internationale Wirtschaftsentwicklungen. Die Ölpreise sind vor kurzem auf rund 110 Barrel gestiegen, während die wirtschaftlichen Projektionen des IWF pessimistisch bleiben. In diesem Fall kann Pakistan8217s Leistungsbilanzdefizit bis zu 3 Milliarden erreichen. Die Handelsbilanz dürfte zwischen 14 und 14,5 Milliarden bleiben. Die Exporte dürften auf 26 Milliarden steigen, während die Importe voraussichtlich unter 40 Milliarden liegen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Überweisungen mit nahezu 12,5 Milliarden Einnahmen robust bleiben. Allerdings deutet Pakistan8217s wirtschaftliche Position darauf hin, dass die externe Kontoposition unwahrscheinlich ist, sich zu verschlechtern und mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit ist, dass die Währungsreserven am 30. Juni 2012 zwischen 17 und 18 Milliarden bleiben werden. Für das laufende Jahr soll die Wachstumsrate auf 3,6 verbessert werden, im Vergleich zu 2,4 Prozent im vergangenen Jahr. Dr. Shaikh sagte, es gibt auch Druck auf die Rupie. Die indische Rupie hat seit dem 1. Januar 2011 um mehr als 18 Prozent abgenommen und damit einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber der pakistanischen Rupie im internationalen Textilexport. Das Haushaltsdefizit dürfte unter fünf Prozent des BIP liegen, während die FBR-Steuereinnahmen voraussichtlich Rs1,952 Mrd. erreichen werden, 25 Prozent höher als 2010-11. Die Inflation dürfte sich aufgrund von Verbesserungen des Angebots verringern, die Regierung beschließt, die Kredite der Staatsbank Pakistans und die Stagnation der internationalen Rohstoffpreise zu begrenzen. Aber auch internationale Rezessionsängste, ein weiterer Anstieg der Ölpreise aufgrund von Spannungen im Iran und in den Golfstaaten, eine anhaltende Energiekrise in Pakistan aufgrund geringerer Hydrierung und geringer Gasvorkommen sowie Verzögerungen bei der Reform der öffentlichen Sektoren führen zu Risiken in der Wirtschaft. So riaz ist dieses Blog Ihre Idee der Beleuchtung Kerzen :) Sie didnt erwähnen Aman Foundation und ihre neu gestartete TeleHealth Initiative. Bitte verwenden Sie Ihre Stimme, um sie hervorzuheben. Hier ist eine Tageszeitung auf den Rückgang der pakistanischen Gewalt im Jahr 2011: ..8220 Obwohl die konfliktbedingte Gewalt in Pakistan im Jahr 2011 zurückging, war die komplexe Sicherheitslandschaft des Landes einer der volatilsten Staaten der Region und erforderte wirksame Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Militanz Und der Terrorismus, 8221 Islamabad-basierte Pak-Institut für Friedensstudien (PIPS) sagte in einer Pressemitteilung, vor der Veröffentlichung der 8216Security Bericht 20118217 heute (Mittwoch). Der Bericht stellte fest, dass die Tendenz einer insgesamt Rückgang der Zahl der gewalttätigen Vorfälle und Opfer in Pakistan, die 2010 erlebt wurde im Jahr 2011 fortsetzte im Jahr 2011. Der Bericht schrieb einen Rückgang der Konflikt im Zusammenhang mit Opfern vor allem militärischen Operationen in den Tribal Areas und in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa und zu weniger Selbstmordattentaten und Drohnenstreiks auf dem Lande im Jahr 2011. Laut dem Bericht sind insgesamt 2.985 gewalttätige Zwischenfälle8212 einschließlich Terroranschlägen, Sicherheitskräften, ethnopolitischer Gewalt, intertribalen Zusammenstößen, Drohnenangriffen und Grenzangriffe8212 wurden in Pakistan im Jahr 2011 gemeldet. Dies ist im Vergleich zu 3.393 Vorfälle im Jahr 2010 und 3.816 im Jahr 2009, ein Rückgang von 12 Prozent bzw. 22 Prozent. Auch die Verluste bei gewaltsamen Vorfällen gingen von 10.003 Todesopfern im Jahr 2010 auf 7.107 im Jahr 2011 zurück, ein Rückgang um 29 Prozent. Die Zahl der Verletzten bei diesen Angriffen sank von 10.283 im Jahr 2010 auf 6.736 im Jahr 2011, was einem Rückgang von 34 Prozent entspricht. Die föderal verwalteten Stammesgebiete (FATA) erlitten im Jahr 2011 675 Terroranschläge, die höchsten für jede Region des Landes im Laufe des Jahres. In Balochistan und Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) wurden 640 und 512 Terroranschläge registriert. Die meisten Opfer von Terroranschlägen im Jahr 2011 wurden von der Khyber Pakhtunkhwa gemeldet, wo 820 Menschen getötet und 1.684 verwundet wurden, gefolgt von Balochistan (710 Tote und 853 Verletzte) und FATA (612 Tote und 1.190 Verletzte). Fünfundvierzig Selbstmordattentate wurden über Pakistan im Jahr 2011 berichtet, verglichen mit 68 im Jahr 2010 und 87 im Jahr 2009. Bei diesen Anschlägen im Jahr 2011 wurden so viele wie 676 Menschen getötet und 1.462 verletzt. Die meisten Opfer waren Zivilisten. Mehr als die Hälfte dieser Angriffe (27) kam in KP, behauptete das Leben von 449 Menschen. Die allgemeine Inzidenz der sektiererischen Gewalt im Land sank um neun Prozent8212von 152 Vorfällen im Jahr 2010 auf 139 im Jahr 2011. Im Gegensatz zum Jahr 2010 war die sektiererische Gewalt nicht in nur wenigen Städten konzentriert. In Karachi wurden 80 Menschen getötet, 80 in Quetta, 50 in Kurram Agency und Dera Ghazi Khan und 26 in Mastung bei solchen Attacken. Es sagte, 261 Menschen wurden getötet und 206 verletzt in 84 Zusammenstößen und anderen Vorfällen entlang der country8217s Grenzen im Jahr 2011. 8220As viele wie 75 US-Drohnen-Attacken fand in Pakistan im Jahr 2011, 557 Menschen getötet und verletzt 153.8221 der PIPS-Sicherheitsbericht enthüllte. Es fügte hinzu, dass die Sicherheitskräfte 144 Angriffe gegen Militanten in verschiedenen Teilen der FATA und Khyber Pakhtunkhwa einführten und mindestens 1016 Militante töteten, während 279 Taliban-Militanten den Behörden der FATA und Khyber Pakhtunkhwa übergaben. Insgesamt wurden 4.219 Militanten und Mitglieder radikaler Organisationen im ganzen Land verhaftet. Einige von ihnen wurden jedoch vor Gericht gestellt. Auf der politischen und administrativen Seite wurde das FATA-Reformpaket als 8220-positive Entwicklung verzeichnet8221, obwohl die Umsetzung noch fehlte. Der Ausgleichsmechanismus für zivile Opfer von Terroranschlägen war nach wie vor ein kritisches Thema, ebenso wie Hunderte von Schulen in der FATA, die seit 2009 geschlossen blieben. Das Fehlen effektiver politischer Mittel zur Bewältigung der Lage in Balochistan wurde ebenfalls hervorgehoben Stammes-Guerillakriegs von früheren Jahren hatte sich in einen robusten städtischen Aufstand in der Provinz verwandelt. Pakistan Post fühlt sich die Hitze vom Wettbewerb und sieht die Lieferung von 24-Stunden-Mail, berichtet Daily Times: Nach dem Private-Curriers-Dienstleistungen, ist das Ministerium für Postdienste auch die Lieferung von Post innerhalb von 24 Stunden im ganzen Land, die Quellen im Ministerium gesagt Daily Times hier am Dienstag. In dieser Hinsicht, sagte Quellen, die gesamte Mail-Arrangement wurde bereits eingehend überprüft und in der ersten Phase wurden Maßnahmen für die Übernachtung in Großstädten wie Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore und Peshawar eingeführt. Nach erfolgreicher Umsetzung dieses Dienstes in Großstädten, würde schrittweise das neue System eingeführt werden, in anderen großen Städten im ganzen Land. Über die genaue Umsetzung dieses Vorschlags, die Quellen sagten, es sei ein kontinuierlicher Prozess, und Pakistan Post muss weit gespannte Bereiche abdecken, wo Kurierdienste nicht funktionieren, können Zeitrahmen nicht gegeben werden, die Quellen beibehalten werden. Die Verbesserung der administrativen Angelegenheiten im Hinblick auf die Zustellung der Post ist ein kontinuierlicher Prozess, und es werden notwendige Schritte unternommen, sobald Änderungen in den Mail-Vereinbarungen erforderlich sind. Auf die Frage, ob die Vorschläge der Kommission zur Gründung der Pakistan-Post eine Körperschaft darstellen, wird derzeit kein Vorschlag für die Gründung der Gesellschaft in Betracht gezogen. Allerdings erhielt die Privatisierungskommission einen Vorschlag zur Gründung der Postbank bei der Fusion der Finanzdienstleistungen der Pakistanischen Post und der KMU-Bank. Der Vorschlag wurde von Pakistan Post nicht für möglich befunden und eine entsprechende Antwort gegeben. Über die Gesamtzahl der Postämter im ganzen Land, behaupteten die Quellen, dass es derzeit 12035 funktionale. Die Regierung hat eine Reihe von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Leistung von Postämtern im ganzen Land. Die Regierung hat auch planen vollständige Informatisierung von Postämtern. In dieser Hinsicht die Quellen sagte, dass ein PC-I wurde vorbereitet und an die Planungskommission für die Computerisierung von 617 Departements Postämter über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren stufenweise eingereicht eingereicht. Das PC-I wurde vor der zentralen Entwicklungsarbeitsgruppe (CDWP) platziert. Das Projekt wurde aufgrund der Nichtvorbereitung von Arbeitspapieren aufgeschoben. Basierend auf dem Go-Ahead-Signal der Planungs - und Entwicklungsabteilung hat Pakistan Post die Vorarbeiten für das Projekt abgeschlossen. Der PC-I befindet sich noch in der Einreichphase. Die Quellen sagten weiter, dass Pakistan Post die 83 GPOs im Land computerisiert hat, um den Dienst für die Militärrente zu verbessern und die weitere Planung, alle Postämter zu computerisieren, aber es wird viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Beamte im Ministerium der Postdienste erklärten Daily Times, dass das Sekretariat Allowance nicht den Angestellten der pakistanischen Post gegeben worden ist. Die Finanzabteilung hatte dem Bundessekretariat bei 20 Prozent der Grundvergütung den Mitarbeitern der Bundesregierung erlaubt, war aber auf die Mitarbeiter des Bundessekretariats beschränkt. Daher wurde es auch nicht den Mitarbeitern des Pakistanischen Postamtes gegeben. Derzeit ist das Sekretariat Allowance nicht zulässig. Bestimmte Mitarbeiter der Bundesregierung (AGPR) zogen eine Beschwerde vor dem Peshawar High Court, die für die Zahlung der Rückständigkeit der Federal Secretariat Allowance für den Zeitraum vom 01-07-1988 bis 28-2-1994 und der Finanzabteilung, Regierung von Pakistan befohlen Gerichtet, das gleiche zu zahlen. Auf der Grundlage des Beschlusses des Peshawar High Court stellten die Beamten fest, dass der Fall von der Finanzabteilung übernommen worden sei, die der Entschädigung des Bundessekretariats für den Zeitraum vom 1. Juli 1988 bis zum 28. Februar 1994 zugestimmt habe Die Mitarbeiter der Verwaltungsbüros unter dem pakistanischen Postamt, die die Aufgaben des Sekretariats wahrnehmen, die in Erwägung gezogen werden und über die Verfügbarkeit der notwendigen Mittel aus dem Finanzbereich erfolgen werden. Hier berichten Reuters über die Kämpfe zwischen den TTP-Führern: Al-Qaida, die afghanischen Taliban und pakistanische Militanten haben eine Reihe von Treffen abgehalten, die darauf abzielen, was bald die offene Kriegsführung zwischen den beiden mächtigsten pakistanischen Taliban-Führern darstellen könnte. Hakimullah Mehsud, der Chef der pakistanischen Taliban, auch bekannt als Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), und sein Stellvertreter, Wali-ur-Rehman, waren an jedem anderen Kehlen, sagte die Quellen. "Sie werden bald hören, dass einer von ihnen den anderen beseitigt hat, obwohl hektische Anstrengungen von anderen Kommandanten und gemeinsamen Freunden vor sich gehen, um Unterschiede zwischen den beiden zu lösen, sagte ein TTP-Kommandant. Jede Abteilung innerhalb des TTP könnte den afghanischen Taliban - und al-Qaida-Kampf in Afghanistan gegen die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Verbündeten hindern, wodurch es schwieriger wird, junge Kämpfer zu rekrutieren und sichere Häfen in Pakistan zu zerstören, die von den afghanischen Militanten genutzt werden. Trotz mehrerer Berichte über die Rehman-Mehsud Split, sagte Rehman Reuters am Dienstag gab es kein Problem zwischen den beiden. »Es gibt keine Unterschiede zwischen uns«, sagte Rehman. Die TTP, gegründet im Jahr 2007, ist eine Dachgruppe von verschiedenen pakistanischen militanten Fraktionen in pakistanischen unruly nordwestlichen Stammesgebieten entlang der porösen Grenze mit Afghanistan. Es hat lange mit der Wahl der Ziele gekämpft. Einige Parteien sind im Krieg mit dem pakistanischen Staat, während andere auf den Kampf gegen die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Verbündeten in Afghanistan konzentrieren. Es gab einen deutlichen Rückgang der militanten Angriffe in Pakistan, aber es gibt weiterhin zufällige Gewaltakte im ganzen Land. Al-Qaida und afghanische Taliban-Kommandeure fordern die TTP auf, mehr Männer für den Kampf in Afghanistan bereitzustellen und versuchen, den Streit zwischen Mehsud und Rehman zu glätten. Die Erdöl-Energie leuchtet in Pakistan nach Erd-Techling: Pakistan startet 2012 nach einem Jahr der Erholung von den schlimmsten Überschwemmungen in der Geschichte des Landes8217 (nach wie vor ein hohes Maß an terroristischer Gewalt) . Als Teil der Anstrengungen zum Wiederaufbau, sonnigen Tagen und Sonnenkollektoren und Multifunktionsleuchten sind zuverlässige und dringend benötigte Elektrizität für Schulen und ländlichen Gebieten Pakistans, die ohne Strom seit den Überschwemmungen gewesen sind. Plan International Pakistan and the Punjab education department have rehabilitated nearly 400 schools destroyed by floods, and implemented solar power in 250 schools that did not have electricity. Funded by the United Kingdom8217s Department for International Development (DFID), the project piloted the first use of solar technology in the UK8217s disaster response. In addition to the solar panel installation, the project also provided water and sanitation, school furniture, school paper, schoolbags and uniforms, sports equipment and health education for 54,000 primary school children. In addition to powering up the schools, aid from the U. K.8217s DFID also provided multipurpose solar light units to people across rural southern Pakistan who have been without power since the floods and were relying on candles, kerosene oil and rechargeable flashlights for light. The solar unites provide free and sustainable light for up to 10 hours after charged and last up to five years. But beyond providing light, the units can also be used to recharge mobile phones, which play a critical role in helping displaced families and communities stay connected in areas where landline phones are rare. Marvi, a woman living in southern Pakistan with her seven children, explained to aid officials how the solar units were benefiting her family: 8220I use the solar light for cooking at night,8221 she explains. 8220We save money because we had to buy candles and kerosene before. We also use it to charge our mobile phones.8221 Pakistan39s Monis Rahman of Rozee makes the Forbes Top 10 list of Asian entrepreneurs under age 50. The list includes big names like Jack Ma of Alibaba Here39s a Reuters report on increase in Pak forex reserves: Pakistan8217s foreign exchange reserves rose to 16.85 billion in the week ending Dec. 30, compared with 16.77 billion the previous week, the central bank said on Thursday. Reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) were flat at 12.81 billion, unchanged from the previous week, while those held by commercial banks rose to 4.04 billion, compared with 3.96 billion the previous week. Foreign exchange reserves hit a record 18.31 billion in the week ending July 30, but have since eased due to debt repayments. Reserves were boosted in June last year by inflows of 411 million, including a 191.9 million loan from the World Bank, and a 196.8 million loan from the Asian Development Bank. Higher export proceeds and a record inflow of remittances have also helped support Pakistan8217s foreign exchange reserves. According to official data, remittances rose 18.33 per cent to 5.24 billion in the first five months of the fiscal year (July-June), compared with 4.43 billion in the same period a year earlier. However, they fell slightly to 923 million in November, compared with 926.89 million received in November last year. Islamabad has to start repaying an 8 billion International Monetary Fund loan in early 2012. Without additional sources of revenue, that will put further pressure on Pakistan8217s foreign exchange reserves. Here39s Pakistan39s Finance Minister Dr. Hafeez Shaikh warning about potential external shocks to Pak economy if US-Pak bilateral ties do not improve: Pakistan may face international isolation on the economic front if drastic steps are taken during the reviewing of bilateral terms with the United States, the country8217s finance minister cautioned on Thursday. The warning from Finance Minister Abdul Hafeez Sheikh came at a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, which on Thursday finalised its draft recommendations for its review of ties with the US. 8220There are some shocks Pakistan can absorb but there are others it can8217t,8221 Sheikh was quoted as saying at the parliamentary committee meeting. The review was ordered by the government following the November 26 Nato airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in Mohmand Agency and led to a new low in relations between the allies. 8220A single incident must not determine our relations with the US,8221 Sheikh said in an apparent reference to the steps taken by the government following the Nato airstrikes. 8220Any decision should be taken while keeping in mind the multidimensional paradigm of security, prosperity of the country and economic diplomacy,8221 he added. The minister, while spelling out alternatives, argued that the country should adopt a 8216balanced8217 approach towards its relations with the US. Briefing the 17-member all-party bicameral parliamentary panel, Sheikh was quoted as saying that Washington might use its influence over international financial institutions to hurt the country8217s economic interests. The minister went on to give a detailed briefing about the likely implications the country may face in the event of a move to pull out of the US alliance. A committee member, who asked to remain anonymous, said that, according to the finance minister, the country8217s fragile economy would face a daunting task if the relationship between Pakistan and the US deteriorated further. 8220It is not about American aid but its clout over the IMF, World Bank and other financial institutions that can pose a real challenge for us,8221 said the committee member referring to the elaborate briefing given by the finance minister. However, some of the members present questioned the finance minister8217s wisdom, arguing that in the past Pakistan8217s economy had survived 8216crippling sanctions8217 imposed by the US 8211 referring to sanctions placed on Pakistan after it tested nuclear devices in 1998 in a tit-for-tat response to tests carried out in India. 8220Pakistan survived then and can survive now,8221 said an opposition lawmaker, who drafted his own proposals for the review of ties with the US. The committee headed by Senator Mian Raza Rabbani has finalised the draft recommendations and forwarded them to the defence and foreign ministries for their input. Rabbani told reporters that the committee will meet next Tuesday to fine-tune the final recommendations before they are handed over to Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani. The government will then present the committee8217s proposals before a joint session of Parliament to seek its approval. The joint sitting is expected to be convened in mid-January. The review is being eagerly awaited and closely watched by local and international observers since it is meant to reshape and herald a new era in Pakistan8217s relations with the US and more significantly have a major impact on the Afghan endgame. Here39s an overview Pakistan IT industry in 2011, as published in Express Tribune : The year 2011 saw a number of positive developments in Pakistan8217s Information and Technology (IT) industry, from app development to global recognition and a series of awards. Pakistan Fast Growth 25 In a first for the IT industry, the Pakistan Fast Growth 25, a ranking of fast growth companies, listed 10 IT companies on its index. The Pakistan Fast Growth 25 is a program of the AllWorld Network in partnership with Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter, launched in collaboration with JS Bank Limited. Official Game for ICC 2011 Cricket World Cup Local development company, Mindstorm Studios developed the official game for the ICC 2011 Cricket World Cup. The browser-based 3D game, 8220Cricket Power8221 features all 14 official teams along with players, stadiums and kits. Pak-India ICT Firms to enhance trade up to 5b Pakistani and Indian IT committees held bilateral talks separately on both sides of borders in March 8211 aimed at enhancing trade ties in the field of IT. In the talks, both countries agreed to boost mutual trade in the IT sector by 5 billion through joint-ventures, investment and exchange of expertise. Netsol deal in India Local ICT company Netsol engaged with Indian companies to provide applications for financial services. It signed an agreement to sell its product 8220Netsol Financial Suite8221 to a global auto leasing company operating in India. Google grants to social innovators In another first for Pakistan, Google has granted seed money to a local association for social causes. Google granted 250,000 to Pakistan Software Houses Association that launched Pasha Fund for distributing the amount to talented innovators. So far four individuals were selected to receive funds. Pepper. pk mobile apps triumph Local app developers, Pepper. pk hit the number one spot in Blackberry App World. Their application, LED Notifier Pro, has been immensely popular since its launch and ranked among the best selling Blackberry applications in the world. Additionally, their app, Photo Editor for BlackBerry has occupied the number one rank on App World twice in the past three months. TenPearls wins Nokia contest twice Pakistani IT firm TenPearls marked another record, beating out 800 entrants to bag second position and received a 50,000 cash prize at 8216Nokia amp ATampT Innovators 2011 Contest8217. This is the second award TenPearls has received for its mobile app named 8220Animal 1018221 within a year. Their first award was first prize for their app uTrack mobile earlier in 2011 for the same platform in Pakistan. Pakistan Shines at APICTA Pakistan was declared the winner of two gold and five silver awards at the 11th annual Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) 2011 in Pattaya, Thailand. Pakistani firms secured two gold awards in the e-health and e-logistics and SCM categories and five silvers in the communication, financial, security, e-inclusion and e-community and e-government categories. Pakistan8217s team comprised of 18 products which competed against 162 different products from the Asia Pacific region. UNICEF opens 35 news schools in flood-affected areas in Pakistan, according to Channel 6 news : The United Nations (UN) on Wednesday announced that its Children39s Fund (UNICEF) opened 35 newly constructed schools in the Pakistani province of Punjab, which was severely damaged by the 2010 floods. With donor funding in the southern area of Punjab province, the new schools were handed over to the Punjab Education Department and opened with 4,500 pupils attending classes. The 35 schools are located in the districts of Muzaffargah, Rajanpur and Rahimyar Khan. Most of the Government school buildings were either damaged or completely destroyed in the 2010 floods, prompting UNICEF to initiate a schools reconstruction program in the worst affected districts of southern Punjab and other parts of the country. Temporary learning centers were also established to ensure that children did not miss their academic year, but prefabricated school structures with all amenities have already replaced the temporary learning centers, UNICEF said in an update. quotThe Child Friendly Schooling approach is interactive and makes learning fun for children, quot said Karen Allen, UNICEF8217s deputy representative in Pakistan. quotIt has elements of health and hygiene through provision of safe drinking water and improved sanitation, early childhood and development for preparing young children for school, playground and equipment for healthy physical activities, psychosocial support for rehabilitation of trauma-affected children, involvement of parents and community, and many other unique features that makes education attractive, quot she added. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Pakistan contributed 1.2 million for the construction of 24 schools, while the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) donated an additional 250,000, which was used to build seven schools. Funding for the construction of four schools was provided by Italy, Hungary and Sweden. Here39s a Brookings Inst paper on mobile phones are helping increase female literacy in Pakistan: In the small village of Hafizibad in Pakistan8217s Punjab province, a young girl is using her mobile phone to send an SMS message in Urdu to her teacher. After sending, she receives messages from her teacher in response, which she diligently copies by hand in her notebook to practice her writing skills. She does this from the safety of her home, and with her parents8217 permission, during the school break, which is significant due to the insecurity of the rural region in which she lives. The girl is part of a Mobilink-UNESCO program to increase literacy skills among girls in Pakistan. Initial outcomes look positive after four months, the percentage of girls who achieved an A level on literacy examinations increased from 27 percent to 54 percent. Likewise, the percentage of girls who achieved a C level on examinations decreased from 52 percent to 15 percent. The power of mobile phone technology, which is fairly widespread in Pakistan, appears in this case to help hurdle several education barriers by finding new ways to support learning for rural girls in insecure areas8212girls who usually have limited opportunities to attend school and who frequently do not receive individual attention when they do. Often they live in households with very few books or other materials to help them retain over summer vacation what they learned during the school year. Here39s a story published in Fast Company about an quotEducation Revolutionquot in Pakistan: TED Fellow, social entrepreneur and filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is on a mission to foment Pakistan39s education revolution. The province of Sindh, where Obaid-Chinoy is based, decided less than two months ago to completely revamp public school textbooks, and the government enlisted Obaid-Chinoy to help. quotThere needs to be an overhaul, quot Obaid-Chinoy tells Fast Company. quotTextbooks are outdated and I39ve been working with the government on how to encourage critical thinking and move away from rote memorization. It39s tough, because the mindset is not there. The teachers are essentially products of the same system. We have to break the culture, which takes a long time. quot Sindh39s teachers now spend extensive time in professional training with education experts to try and reform the instruction of English, math, and social studies. quotWe39re really making this a movement for education for social change, quot Obaid-Chinoy says. quotPeople are excited by it. Everyone39s getting into it, rolling up their sleeves. We39re trying to bridge the divide between the public and private school systems, quot which, she says, is at the heart of Pakistan39s education challenges. The poorer schools are under-resourced and are often recruiting grounds for young terrorists. By improving the public education system, the less-fortunate children have a better shot at a solid future, away from terrorist groups, and local leaders hope to accomplish improvements by focusing on textbooks and teacher trainings. quotPakistan also feels it needs to catch up with the rest of the world in terms of education and that was the genesis for the education overhaul, quot says Obaid-Chinoy. quotTerrorism defines us today, quot but, she says, there was a time when the country was known for its vibrancy and sense of hope. Obaid-Chinoy is doing her part in other ways to revamp Pakistan39s education system. In 2007 she started CitizensArchive. org, the country39s first digital archive documenting its oral history with interviews, rare photos, and other online collections. The initiative allows students in schools throughout Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India to better understand Pakistan and its history and Obaid-Chinoy was able to interview several notable figures who have since passed away, such as Deena Mistri, one of the country39s first female educators. And students around South Asia are now engaged in learning exchanges with students in Pakistan, to help the countries build bridges. And throughout her education work, Obaid-Chinoy39s medium is often filmmaking. She makes about one film per year and has covered a range of topics from jihadi schools to female victims of acid attacks. Her next film will look at 9/11 through the eyes of different figures, in commemoration of the 10th anniversary this year. quotMy mother gave up her dream of becoming a journalist when she got married and I think she always wanted to make sure that her six children pursued their dreams. I have four sisters and all of us work in male-dominated professions in Pakistan. quot And Obaid-Chinoy now brings that same sense of passion and justice to her work and thanks to her, her country may soon become a bright spot for global-minded education. Here39s a private-public partnership initiative for education in Sindh, as reported in The Express Tribune : The Sindh Education Foundation has handed over the management of 1,200 schools across Sindh to entrepreneurs under its private-public partnership programme, Integrated Education Learning Programme (IELP). The SEF asked entrepreneurs to apply for school adoption by submitting proposals and they received a staggering 9,600 applications. Each proposal was strictly assessed. There should be no other primary school within a one-kilometre radius of the new one or already established school as this would affect enrolment. No other secondary school should exist within a two-kilometre radius. At least 40 children should be enrolled in primary schools and 30 in elementary and secondary classes. The programme requires the student-teacher ratio to be at least 1:4. Teachers should be paid a minimum of Rs5,000 while at least Rs2,500 should be paid to the support staff. Drinking water and clean toilets are other prerequisites for the IELP selection. Out of the total applications received, 4,500 were initially shortlisted and 1,500 were finally randomly selected, informed Sadaf Junaid Zuberi, the SEF senior manager. The final contract signing ceremony was held at the SEF headquarters on Monday where the remaining 300 of the 1,500 selected entrepreneurs sealed their school adoption deal in the presence of Senior Minister for Education and Literacy Pir Mazharul Haq. Prof Anita Ghulam Ali, the SEF managing director, welcomed the guests and school entrepreneurs and called for operators to take up this opportunity with full honesty and commitment. 8220You can change the future of thousands of children,8221 she said. Lauding the efforts of the SEF, the education minister said that it has been promoting lasting public-private partnerships in the education sector. The government plans to open more schools under this agreement and people who adopt them will be strictly monitored. The programme was launched in 2009 and was designed to give financial and technical support to new and existing private, community and trust-owned schools throughout the province. Three hundred schools were already working successfully. The project directly reaches 450,000 children. Each entrepreneur will get a 350-rupee subsidy per child from the Sindh government via the SEF. They will be responsible for the school8217s management, monitoring, enrolment, building capacity, community and parent mobilisation and student assessment. As the project is fully funded IELP students do not pay any fees. SEF will provide textbooks and classroom aides and will also work on teacher training. IELP follows the SEF8217s Promoting Private Schooling in Rural Sindh (PPRS) programme. It is different from the PPRS as it involves both primary and secondary schools. SEF director of programmes, operations and research, Aziz Kabani, said the aim was to 8220establish public-private partnership to increase access to and improve the quality of educational services to children in marginalised areas of the province8221. Business confidence is improving for operations to expand during the current fiscal 2012, reports Khaleej Times : Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in fy-2011 was 1.6 billion down from 2.2 billion in fiscal year-2010, State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the central bank, reported this week. The downtrend is attributed to three international factors including the slowdown in the global economy including low business in Western-US region, EU currency crisis and the trouble in Middle East North Africa (Mena) region. The domestic problems that afflicted investment were bad governance, the energy crunch, reduction in the public sector development spending due to large defence and administrative expenses, expensive credit, high rate of inflation, poor Law and order and the effects of the war on terror. The decline in investment has been fairly of a broad range, encompassing a number of sectors. The country8217s biggest industrial producer job provider, and exporter 8212 textile industry 8212 recorded a steep decline in manufacturing, spinning, ready-to-wear garments and other finished products, primarily owing to acute electricity and natural gas short - age. Oil and gas sector was hit by limited profits and weak motivation to expand capacity and production at a time when the demand for all of its products is huge. Import of finished and refined products also hit it hard. Investment in construction declined by Rs2 billion n in fiscal year-20118212 a reduction for the fourth year running. A continued decline in the real estate market. along with rising bank default by construction sector borrowers has over shadowed the positive impact of post-flood construction activities8221 of fiscal year-2011, SBP points out. Except for the financial services and power sectors, a number of other sectors saw a drop in investment. In energy sector oil and natural gas received the largest amount of FDI amounting to 512 million in 2011. Financial services got 247 million. Telecoms saw the biggest decline. Its profit repatriation abroad was higher than investment by Rs34 million, down from positive investment of Rs 291 million in 2010. SBP notes that US was the biggest investor with 239 million. United Arab Emirates was the runner up with 284.2 million, and Britain was the third with 208 million. But, at the same time, a just-conducted survey by Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce amp Industry (OICCampI) cites inflation as 8220the biggest single reason for decline in business confidence in the last six months, eclipsing all other negative factors including law and order.8221 ------------- There is a genuine feel good and confidence-plus sentiment according to BCI. 8220As many as 69 per cent of all the respondents plan to make capital investment, 64 per cent expect sales to increase, 54 per cent expect profits to rise and 47 per cent are of the opinion that return on investment will go up,8221 it confirms. The hope is pinned on a growth in the output of the Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM), farming, and oil and gas which are looking up, coupled with a likely reduction in the severity of the energy outages, will help push GDP growth to 3.9 per cent in fiscal year-2012, from 2.4 per cent in fiscal year-2011. What are the bourses indicating Karachi Stock Market, the country8217s biggest bourse, will move up 8220once things become clear on the political front. Market is trading at a price to earning ratio of six much attractive than the regional average of 11. It is yielding around 8.5 per cent which stands as one of the highest in the region,8221 says Ashraf Bava, CFA and CEO of Noel Capital. Here39s a report on Fortune magazine39s interview with Pakistan39s former leader Shaukat Aziz: Despite the regular eruptions of bad news from Pakistan, Shaukat Aziz, a former finance and prime minister there, remains cautiously bullish about his country39s prospects, including the peace dividend that could come with the orderly exit of U. S. troops from Afghanistan. But that depends, he says, on a Marshall Plan-like reconstruction of Afghanistan -- and the U. S. delivering on tribal economic development plans. That might seem overly ambitious for distracted Western capitals with tapped out coffers. But the 39mostly-sunny39 technocratic vision is not unusual for Aziz, a former Citibank (C) executive who presided over strong growth as finance minister after General Pervez Musharraf staged a coup in 1999. (Musharraf just announced he would shortly be returning to Pakistan -- and risking arrest -- from Dubai where he has been since leaving office.) Aziz, 64, was elected prime minister in 2004 (surviving an assassination attempt while campaigning) and was the first of 23 predecessors to serve out a full term, until 2007. He took up residence in London soon after and now serves on the board of the British hotel chain Millennium and Copthorne Hotels, and as an advisor to the Blackstone Group (BX). Aziz recently spoke with Fortune about the state of Pakistan39s economy, how to rebuild Afghanistan, and why Pakistan deserves a free trade agreement with the U. S. Below is an edited transcript of that discussion. It39s been more than six years since Goldman Sachs (GS) recognized Pakistan among the Next Eleven newly industrialized countries -- inflation is up, investment is at a 40-year low, and infrastructure is deteriorating, particularly in the power sector. By just about any measure things are not particularly good, so what is the source of your optimism about the Pakistani economy The problems of the world economy have obviously leaked to Pakistan. Yes, investment is down, trade also, but in Pakistan39s case a lot of this is due to the security situation, the war on terror. We have to pay a huge price in terms of damaging our investor confidence -- both domestic and foreign. On the other hand, we should bear in mind that more than two-thirds of the population lives in rural areas and agriculture has done well, especially in cotton -- prices and exports are up and the farmer is relatively more comfortable. The country39s human capital is a strong suit, the Pakistani people are very talented, their skills levels are impressive and they are hard-working. There39s a huge number of Pakistanis working overseas and we can export a few more million and there won39t be an iota of difference because there is a whole pipeline of trained 8211 and untrained - people coming. ------------- Here39s a report on Fortune magazine39s interview with Pakistan39s former leader Shaukat Aziz Part II: You mentioned the need for good management. How would you assess the current management of the economy I ask that in light of the lapsing of the stabilization plan with the IMF. Being out of the IMF -- obviously this reflects the desire of the government to have more flexibility to pursue its reforms. The IMF program does bring with it certain macroeconomic discipline and that39s beneficial, but I also believe in economic sovereignty. You need good governance and good management, but abdicating the economy to the IMF is not the way to succeed. What we need is growth and job creation, like every other country in the world. The disagreement with the IMF is at least in part related to tax collection, which has been notoriously weak in Pakistan. There is a lot of concern whether Pakistan can muster the political will to make tough reforms, partly because of self-serving elites among the political class that have brought the country to the point of being nearly a failed state. No, I think that39s not true. The country is large -- roughly 180 million people -- and it39s functioning. It has many challenges -- governance issues, transparency and management issues -- on top of the security issues that have cost us dearly. But the country is functioning. Obviously it could function better, but it39s not come to a grinding halt. Life is going on. Don39t expect an Iranian oil crisis Clearly, the country is facing a challenging situation financially, and tax reform has been an issue. It39s true there is low tax compliance, but you have to look at the political impact -- not just the economic impact -- of taxes. The tax system has been around for a long time. Trade-offs have to be made indirect taxes -- sales tax and customs duties -- have grown because of that, quite handsomely. Income tax is also up, but that is mostly out of big corporations39 profits. The key question is: How do we get growth The pie has to get bigger for you to collect more taxes. You can39t squeeze the lemon if there39s no juice in it. Moving on to Afghanistan, the U. S. is being more realistic about its transformative agenda and the Obama administration seems to be determined to wind things down. How do you see this playing out I think this is the right way to go. The presence of foreign troops generates ill effects and the sooner they are gone, the better. But the exit strategy has to be very carefully choreographed. We need a Marshall Plan-like approach, a massive program for reconstruction. The World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the sovereign banks, and many individual countries, have to be involved. There was a very successful meeting recently of Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan and others in Istanbul. People need to see a future, that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. The people of Afghanistan will have to work hard themselves to leverage this opportunity. It39s a good thing that the U. S. and the Taliban are talking -- all stakeholders have to be included. I39m cautiously optimistic that adversity can be changed into an opportunity if it is funded well. U. S.-Pakistan relations are generally refracted through the prism of Afghanistan but also through the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear power. I think certainly the relationship is opportunistic on both sides. But I think the U. S. is pursuing a policy of both engagement and containment of Pakistan at the same time. We are both a friend and an adversary. Therein lies the conflict in the relationship. There is a trust deficit and when it comes to the nuclear issue there is a fundamental problem. Here39s a report on Fortune magazine39s interview with Pakistan39s former leader Shaukat Aziz Part III: Investing after the Arab Spring: Unfinished business When India was drawn into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (a multilateral anti-proliferation organization) Pakistan should have been included too. The United States has to decide: are we in the tent or outside That was a major missed opportunity. Inclusion in the NSG comes with a lot of responsibility and obligations. Engagement becomes more formalized, providing a forum for all key players to be around the table to discuss and solve issues. We are a nuclear power 8211 there is no such thing as a halfway house here - and to deny it doesn39t help anybody. It39s not too late to rectify this. It would help the whole atmosphere in South Asia. If you keep people out of the tent, things can suddenly move the other way. You39ve said that Pakistan would be better off with a free trade agreement with the U. S. instead of aid, but given the state of US-Pakistan relations that seems very unlikely. I39m not optimistic about a free trade agreement because even when Congress was very friendly, they couldn39t get things through, even things which were promised like the Reconstruction Opportunity Zones in the border area of Afghanistan and Pakistan, which was important for all three countries. The idea was to give duty-free access to the U. S. market for any goods produced in the tribal areas. Obviously when you put up a factory there the cost of production will be high, initially at least, because there is no infrastructure. This was a well-conceived and well-designed way of creating jobs. Otherwise they will have no incentive to put down their guns. Congress has approved other special market access programs like this for Haiti and Jordan, and maybe others. It was promised by the U. S. five or six years ago but nothing happened. We really need to re-focus on these things so that when peace returns in the area, especially in the border areas, people will have alternatives for making a living. Security is not a big issue. It can be done by local people. You don39t need expatriates there are already plenty of entrepreneurs in that area. You39re talking about very small numbers for the textile market, but symbolically it39s very important because it will give people hope. This would be a good way for the U. S. government and Congress to send a message to people in the border areas: we want you to have a better, peaceful future. Sunni Ittehad Council, the group supporting Taseer39s killer, received funds from the US embassy in Islamabad, according to AP : ISLAMABAD (AP) 8212 The U. S. gave money to a Pakistani Muslim group that organized anti-Taliban rallies, but which later demonstrated in support of an extremist who killed a leading liberal politician, the U. S. Embassy in Pakistan said Wednesday. The grant highlights the difficulties facing Washington as it seeks partners to support religious moderation in Pakistan. Last month, The Associated Press reported that the U. S. Embassy had created a counter-extremism unit to perform that mission. U. S. government website Usaspending. gov shows that the group, the Sunni Ittehad Council, received 36,607 from Washington in 2009. A U. S. diplomat said that the embassy had given money to the group to organize the rallies, but that it had since changed direction and leadership. He said it was a one-off grant, and wouldn39t be repeated. He didn39t give his name because he wasn39t authorized to speak about the issue on the record. The grant was first reported by the Council of Foreign Relations on its website. The Ittehad council was formed in 2009 to counter extremism. It groups politicians and clerics from Pakistan39s traditionalist Barelvi Muslim movement, often referred to as theological moderates in the Pakistani context. The American money was used to organize nationwide rallies against militants and suicide bombings, the embassy official said. The demonstrations received widespread media coverage, and were some of the first against extremism in the country. The rhetoric at the rallies was mostly focused on opposing militant attacks on shrines, which Barelvis frequent but are opposed by Deobandi Muslims, Pakistan39s other main Muslim sect. Deobandis dominate the ranks of the Taliban and other extremists. Some view Barelvis as heretics. In 2011 and also this month, however, the council led demonstrations in support of the killer of Salman Taseer, a governor who was killed a year ago for his criticism of anti-blasphemy laws used to persecute religious minorities. The displays have appalled Pakistani liberals and stoked international fears that the country is buckling under the weight of extremism. Taseer39s assassin, Mumtaz Qadri, is a Barelvi. He claimed he acted to defend the honor of the prophet Mohammed, a cause that is especially dear to Barelvis. At its rallies, the group maintains its criticism of the Taliban even as it supports Qadri 8212 a seemingly contradictory stance that suggests its leaders may be more interested in harnessing the political support and street power of Barelvis than in genuinely countering militancy. Two leading members of the council who have been with the group from the beginning of its existence denied receiving any American funds. The apparent discrepancy could be explained by lack of transparency within the organization. However, given the current anti-American climate, owning up to receiving funds from the United States would invite criticism. quotThis propaganda is being unleashed against us because we are strongly opposed to Western democracy and American policies in the region and in the world, quot said Sahibzada Fazal Karim, the head of the council, before reiterating the group39s support for Qadri. quotWe are against extremism, but we support Qadri because he did a right thing, quot he said. Muslim groups and clerics in Pakistan have a long history of receiving money from foreign countries. Deobandi clerics have received millions of dollars over the last 20 years from Gulf nations to promote their austere brand of Islam and an anti-Shiite agenda. Iran has in turn funded Shiite groups. Read more: seattlepi/news/article/US-aided-Pakistan-group-which-supported-extremists-2464420.phpixzz1jAjbBmVp Hillary Clinton welcomes Pak Amb Sherry Rehman, says quotUS committed to crucial Pakistan relationshipquot, according to The News : WASHINGTON: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has underscored the crucial importance of Pak-US relationship, saying that Washington remains steadfastly committed to the bilateral ties. 8220I was delighted to welcome the new ambassador (Sherry Rehman) here on Wednesday. She is someone that was known for some time,8221 Clinton said on Thursday in a press interaction. 8220My message to her (the Pakistani ambassador) was very straightforward: The Pak-US relationship is crucial to both of our countries, to the future of our people, to the safety and security of South Asia and the world. 8220We recognize there have been significant challenges in recent months, but we are steadfastly committed to this relationship and working together to make it productive,8221 Clinton said, replying to a question. Earlier on Wednesday, Pakistan8217s new ambassador to the US, Sherry Rehman had a meeting with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Here39s a market research report on Pakistan39s agriculture sector: Pakistan Agribusiness service provides proprietary medium term price forecasts for key commodities, including corn, wheat, rice, sugar, cocoa, coffee, soy and milk in addition to newly-researched competitive intelligence on leading agribusiness producers, traders and suppliers in-depth analysis of latest industry developments and essential industry context on Pakistan39s agribusiness service. Pakistan39s agricultural output has steadily declined in its contribution to GDP in the past decade, down from 24.0 in 2000/01 to 20.9 in 2010/11. That said, the sector still employs the largest number of workers in the population and we expect the industry to remain a government priority as the country deals with issues of food security and the vulnerability to natural disasters. Over the long term, we foresee the dairy, poultry and wheat industries as benefiting the most from increased investment. However, despite the existing network of irrigation systems across the country, we believe that significant improvements in infrastructure and better supply chains will have to be implemented in order for the country to reap the full benefits of its fertile soil. - Rice production out to 2015/16: 7.5 to 7.3mn tonnes. We expect the country to increase its share in the basmati rice trade as production expands over our forecast period. - Wheat consumption out to 2016: 14.2 to 25.3mn tonnes. Consumption growth will be driven by rising incomes and population growth, as well as increased access to good-quality milk. - Sugar production out to 2015/16: 35.1 to 4.8mn tonnes. Large-scale consumers such as confectioners, candy makers and soft drink manufacturers account for about 60 of the total sugar demand and will be the main drivers of growth. - 2012 Real GDP Growth: 3.8 (up from 2.4 y-o-y in 2011 forecast to average 3.7 from 2011 to 2016). - Consumer Price Inflation: 11.2 average in 2012 (down from 13.7 in 2011). - Central Bank Policy Rate: 12.0 (lower than 14.0 in 2011) ---------- South Asia rice exporters should benefit the most from the recent rice trade disruptions out of Thailand. So far, traders report that more than 100,000 tonnes of rice for export have been stalled as a result of the country39s worst flooding in decades. Some sources estimate that this could rise to more than 300,000 tonnes. Given these developments, the spotlight has now turned to South Asia to meet demand for the grain in the near term. Despite the recent floods, which destroyed approximately 20-30 of the sugarcane crop in the Sindh region, we forecast 2011/12 sugar output from Pakistan at 4.1mn tonnes, 2.5 up from our previous estimates. This is largely due to an overall 5-8 increase in sugarcane yields, area harvested and favourable monsoon rains during the growing season. Sugar crushing is estimated at 82 and sugar recovery at 8.8. According to provincial reports, higher sugar prices farmers received last year, coupled with strong demand from the industrial sector, have boosted planting in the provinces of Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhawah. Here39s a Daily Times report on Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh39s assessment of Pak economy: Federal Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh while briefing the parliamentarians about the national economy informed that the government would receive 2.5 billion in foreign exchange in the coming months from Etisalat8217s pending dues, CSF from US, and Auction of 3-G Spectrum Licence. He highlighted the achievements so far made by this present government, hurdles and subsequent solutions in the way of Pakistan8217s economy. He apprised of the three factors, which are for causing the burden on our national economy. First, great flood in 2010, which caused damage of 10 billion as estimated by the World Bank, increase in oil prices at the international level and security situation. While highlighting the tax revenue position he said that 17 percent increase has been achieved during the last six months, export touched historical way by up to 28 percent with respect to previous year, and remittances showed a star performance. In addition to that, foreign exchange reserves touched the highest figure in the history of Pakistan, he said. He also said that we are facing certain issues in power and gas sector, Pakistan International Airlines, Pakistan Railways (PR), and Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) but he said that the Cabinet Committee on Restructuring of the Public Sector Enterprises has been relentlessly working on revamping these enterprises and we have made certain very good advances in this regard, and hopefully these corporations shall start functioning under the economic vision of the present government. He said these issues are overshadowing our tremendous performance in the economy and said that like PSM are always source of criticism on our government and this must be seen in the political context only. While pondering on the PR, he said that the government has managed to create a consortium of banks to provide the requested Rs 6 billion to PR and said that government of Pakistan is paying the salaries and pension of PR8217s service and retired workers. Although the PR is a public sector corporation, which should by itself arrange their salaries and pensions, moreover the government is going to pay to the electricity bill of PR also. The meeting was told that the government has reached single digit inflation and in addition to that, export witnessed an increase by 4 percent in last six months, import increased by 18 percent, which is also an indicator of increasing activity in our economic and commercial field. The minister hoped that the government would receive 2.5 billion in foreign exchange in the coming months, from Etisalat8217s pending dues, CSF form US, and Auction of 3-G Spectrum Licence. The minister has also said that the government must be credited for some of the outstanding measures taken for the improvement of the country8217s poor, that is the provision of Balochistan package, funding to the Gilgit Baltistan province and AJK, plus the alleviation of poor through the Benazir Income Support Programme through which almost 6 million poor families are getting financial help. As the gas is not been provided to the fertilizer plants, the government has decided to import 1.2 million tonnes of fertilizers so that the poor farmers may not be affected. And in this regard, the government is providing subsidy of Rs 40-50 billion on the prices of fertilizer to the farmers, the minister said. Here are some excerpts from an interesting Friday Times Op Ed on Pakistan39s undocumented (informal amp illegal) economy: The economy is in the doldrums, but that is not news any more. What is more interesting, and more difficult to investigate, is what is happening in the world beyond the survey operator and tax collector39s ambit. Papers published by the Social Policy Development Center (SPDC) in Karachi and the State Bank place the informal economy in a range of 20 to 30 percent of GDP. But most of this undocumented economy does not include strictly illegal, or shall we say criminal, practice. ------- that militant groups are running their own businesses (during the TNSM39s movement in Swat, emerald mines were reputed to be in the hands of Maulana Fazlullah39s men) that militants and terrorists are even coming up with new ways to generate funds (kidnapping for ransom being a case in point). ------------- According to data from the UN, Afghanistan produced about 90 of the global output of opium in 2007. This fell to just over 62 by 2010 (with Myanmar accounting for most of the rest). Three quarters of the poppy production was in the provinces of Helmand and Kandahar, which border Pakistan. Domestic consumption of opium in Afghanistan is next to nil. Also, the country does not legally import the chemicals needed to process opium into heroin, although these are imported in Pakistan for legitimate uses. Almost 7,000 metric tons of opium, both raw and processed, in the form of morphine and heroin, leaves Afghanistan and finds its way to the lucrative markets of Western Europe. ------------- Given that the global trade in opiates is estimated to have a value of some 70 billion, even a small proportion of the proceeds can make life comfortable for a lot of people in Pakistan. -------- With close to 80 suicide attacks in 2010, about 400 rocket attacks, and about 350 bomb blasts in addition to target killings, use of improvised explosive devices etc, its not hard to deduce that there is a significant trade in arms and ammunition in Pakistan. The ISAF container scam case led to some interesting findings. There were the obvious conclusions - including that the abuse of the Afghan Transit Trade facility is massive. More tellingly, the Supreme Court39s suo moto case found that 7,922 ISAF containers simply went missing. In addition to the packed meals, the alcohol and the camp supplies stamped with ISAF logos that appear in border markets, the possibility of pilferage of more dangerous items cannot be ruled out. The smuggling masked by the Afghan Transit Trade is another story altogether, and according to some stakeholders extends to the illegal trade in timber, antiquities and gemstones stemming from that unfortunate nation. Being a neighbor to a land-locked, war-ravaged country with no semblance of law and order was never going to be easy. But Pakistan39s governance failures have made a bad situation worse. There39s much more to Pakistan39s economy than meets the eye, and many of the more interesting activities are practically impossible to investigate unless someone is prepared to take considerable personal risks. The few pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that are available from public data and information paint a tantalizing picture. If the downslide of the formal economy continues, things could get even more interesting. China has become Pakistan39s largest trading partner, replacing the US which slipped to third place, according to Dawn News : China has emerged as Pakistan8217s largest trading partner replacing the US and is being closely followed by the UAE. The US has slipped to third position on the list of the top ten trading partners. Germany and the UK occupy eighth and 10th slots respectively and Japan is no more on the ten top list. The latest rankings based on the FY11 statistics indicate that Pakistan is doing much more trade within Asia and its reliance on American and European markets is on the decline. --------- Emergence of the new rich in China and expansion in middle-income consumers in the Middle Eastearn countries opened up new opportunities for Pakistan to boost trade with all these nations. Moreover, the trade gravity played its part in redirecting our external trade towards South and East Asia including Malaysia and Indonesia. Small wonder then, that in the last fiscal year seven out of the top ten largest trading partners of Pakistan were all Asians8212China, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Afghanistan and India. And all of them except Saudi Arabia and India showed an improvement in their respective rankings, in a small span of three years. 8220Interestingly whereas recession in the US and troubled political relationship between Islamabad and Washington affected growth of bilateral trade, the surge in the US troops in Kabul aimed at winding up the military operation there increased our exports to Afghanistan,8221 according to a senior official of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP). That explains, at least in part, why Afghanistan8217s seventh slot among our largest trading partners in FY11. Our exports to Kabul totaled 2.3 billion in FY11. This growth trend is continuing and in the first five months of this fiscal year, exports to Afghanistan have touched a billion dollars mark------------ ----------- Business leaders say Pakistan8217s top bilateral trade partners are changing not just because of economic miracle of China and overall better average economic growth in Asia than in America and in Europe. 8220Increase in imports from China, for example, is also related to the Chinese investment projects in Pakistan part of which are scaling down American influence,8221 said a former president of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry. ----------- India and China are two of the six countries on the list of the top ten trading partners with whom Pakistan runs trade deficits. ---------- The other four are the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Malaysia. Whereas Pakistan imports large amounts of costly fuel oil from the first three countries, it runs trade deficit with Malaysia primarily due to huge import bills of palm oil. ------------ With four countries out of the ten largest trading partners, Pakistan boasts of a trade surplus. These are the US, Afghanistan, Germany and the UK. 8220Whereas it is easier to retain Afghanistan as a major export market and it is encouraging that Bangladesh has emerged as a billion-dollar market for our products, the US, Germany, the UK and other European countries are equally important for sustained growth in overall exports,8221 remarked chairman of Pakistan Bedwear Exporters Association Mr. Shabbir Ahmad. He and many other exporters believe that normalisation of political relationship with the US and continuing of efforts to win trade concessions in European Union are required for keeping exports on a high growth trajectory. Here39s an interesting excerpt of a World Bank blog on cell phone use in education in Pakistan: In Pakistan, some innovative folks are exploring how basic text messaging (SMS) can be used in the education sector to the benefit of people with even very low end mobile phones, leveraging the increasing high teledensities found in communities across the country. What39s happening in Pakistan in this regard A lot, it turns out, although admittedly only in pockets and at a rather modest scale to date. The country is perhaps not unique in what is being explored (most everything being tried there is being tried in various other places as well), but that doesn39t mean it isn39t quite interesting. For example: In February, almost 150 third year students at Asghar Mall College in Rawalapindi (note: 39third year39 in this context would be the rough equivalent of the first year at university in, for example, the United States) for whom authorities had mobile phone numbers on file began participating on a voluntary basis in a daily vocabulary quiz exercise delivered by SMS. These young men -- from middle to lower middle class backgrounds -- are sent a simple multiple choice question. Texts are addressed to each student individually, using the equivalent of a 39mail merge39 function that will be familiar to anyone who has had to send out 39blast39 emails or faxes). They reply via SMS, and then receive an automated response, based on their answer. In this response, their answer is repeated, a notation is made about whether the answer given was correct or not, and the correct answer is incorporated into a sample sentence. ---- One thing perhaps that is worth mentioning here is that, for some of these students, who have been educated in a system where very large, lecture-based classes are the norm, this may be the first time they have received 39personalized39 feedback of any sort from their instructors. The team in Pakistan is asking all sorts of interesting questions as part of their work. How can the potential impact of each message be maximized, especially given that these messages constitute just one small part of a large stream of messages -- cricket scores, notes from friends and family, jokes, news items, scripture passages and horoscope advice -- that students receive every day What is best learned or reinforced through such interactions What are the most effective ways to sequence and scaffold such messages over time In the process, much user-related information is being collected, helping to answer some basic questions for which there are not yet good, reliable data: How many young students have phones How many can afford to participate in education-related activities via mobile phone -- and are willing to do so (Related to this: Are there ways to subsidize SMS traffic for various populations And what if people actual respond to the SMS quizzes -- can this sort of thing at scale) Vocabulary-building and grammar quizzes are just two potential applications possible as part of this sort of SMS-based interaction opportunities for quizzes in various academic areas are easily imagined. This could be great for test preparation, for example -- a potentially fertile market for private firms in Pakistan. Indeed, project proponents hope to use this as a way to help to stimulate private sector activity and innovation in this area, especially for young entrepreneurs, given what have turned out to be very low piloting costs. Here39s an Op Ed by HEC Chair Javaid Laghari published in The Express Tribune : There has been a quiet revolution in the last two years, particularly in improved quality, access and relevance, which are the cornerstones of the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Quality is a 8216process8217 and cannot be improved overnight by dialling 8216Q8217. Quality enhancement cells have been established in 81 universities which will monitor and 8216own8217 quality and report to the HEC8217s QA (Quality Assurance) division. Six accreditation councils, including in business and computing, have been established, and these will accredit professional programmes. An institutional performance evaluation (IPE) process has begun, and by next year, the universities will be given a scorecard on good governance. For the first time ever, universities and programmes are being ranked as per international standards, and the results will be published by the end of the year. A two-day orientation of newly-appointed vice-chancellors (VCs), facilitated by two British VCs and one American university president, was organised 8212 also for the first time 8212 to inculcate leadership and to improve quality in governing higher educational institutes. Accessibility to university education among the population is now 7.8 per cent, and not 5.1 per cent as implied by Dr Tahir, and we are well on our way to reaching 10 per cent by 2015 as per the education policy, despite a 10 per cent cut in higher education funding. Pakistan spends 1.7 per cent of its GDP on education, and only six other countries in the world spend less. Of this, 0.22 per cent is spent on higher education and not 0.3 per cent as the article incorrectly states. Under these circumstances, the HEC has done wonders What the writer fails to mention is the new emphasis on 8216knowledge exchange8217. Ten offices of research, innovation and commercialisation (ORIC) have been established this year, and 20 more are in the pipeline to bridge the gap between university research and industry. With a 30 per cent increase in research publications and PhD dissertations in the last two years, a focus on relevant research and a new programme to establish incubators and technology parks, the Pakistani higher education sector is on its way to become an economic powerhouse in the next two years. This is the soft and quiet revolution taking place at our universities which is already becoming visible and changing the lives of millions of youth who are the beneficiaries of higher education in Pakistan. Here are excerpts of an AP report taking about how much Pakistan has changed: Pakistan appears on the brink of chaos again, with the judiciary and army bearing down on its elected leaders. But already the crisis has underlined how Pakistan has changed in recent years: The military can no longer simply march in and seize power as it has done three times over the last six decades. As a result, opportunities remain for both sides to back down. The civilian government may be able to ride it out until elections now seen likely in late summer. quotIf this were the 3990s, there would have been a coup a year ago, quot said Moeed Yusuf of the Washington-based United States Institute of Peace. A watchful media poised to hound the generals 8212 and a populace under few illusions that the top brass can be saviors after failing so many times before 8212 seem to have acted as a brake on any designs by the army. The judiciary itself, although regarded by some as out to get President Asif Ali Zardari, would not sanction a coup. It39s also unclear how much of an appetite the judges have for dismissing a government that heads a coalition with a solid majority in parliament and with just one year left before it has to call elections. Opposition parties are happy to see the government weakened. But the country39s largest party, that of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, is no fan of the army and might not want to come to power on the shoulders of a military intervention. quotThe status quo remains, despite all the institutions coming to a head. Every scenario you paint, there will be chaos and no one benefits, quot Yusuf said. To be sure, tensions are higher now than they have ever been since Zardari took office in 2008, and the crisis could yet turn in unpredictable and dangerous directions. The political turmoil has all but paralyzed governance in the nuclear-armed country, hampering American hopes of rebuilding strained ties with Islamabad and securing its help with negotiating peace in neighboring Afghanistan. Last week, coup jitters spread after the army issued an unusual warning of quotgrievous consequencesquot for the country over a scandal involving an unsigned memo sent last year to Washington asking for U. S. help in preventing a coup in the aftermath of the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden. But pundits and government critics alike have been predicting the imminent fall of either Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani or the government they head for much of the past four years. Each time, they have been proven wrong. ----------- Many observers suspect Zardari39s party is happy to play up conflict with the army and the judges because it diverts attention from its paltry list of achievements in office. The party may even embrace the prospect of being kicked out because it would fire up its base ahead of elections. The Pakistan People39s Party has a long history of battles with the army. Benazir Bhutto39s father, Former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was executed by a military dictator in 1979. Zardari himself was elected on a massive sympathy vote after Benazir Bhutto39s Dec. 27, 2007 assassination, which the party was happy to hint could have been orchestrated by elements of the army establishment. The World Bank has observed that Pakistan8217s weak economic growth is due to worsening security condition accompanied by greater political uncertainty and a breakdown in policy implementation. It predicted country8217s economic growth at 3.9 per cent during the year 2012. --------- According to the report, GDP growth rate in Pakistan would be 3.9 per cent during the year 2012 that was 2.4 per cent in 2011. Pakistan8217s weak growth outturns are also tied to the worsening security situation, accompanied by greater political uncertainty and a breakdown in policy implementation. Infrastructure bottlenecks, including disruptions in power delivery, remain widespread. However, a notable bright spot has been the increased exports, evident particularly in the first half of 2011, led by textiles that surged 39 per cent in the first half of the year. ------------ Industrial production surged to grow at a robust 32.1 per cent annualised pace during the three months ending in October (3m/3m, at seasonally adjusted annualised rates), after falling at 9.1 and 10.1 per cent rates during the first and second quarters, respectively. Part of the strengthening in growth reflects base effects due to the widespread flooding that had hampered activity in the second half of 2010. Indeed, because the floods occurred in July and August 2010, GDP growth on a fiscal year basis (ending June-2011) slowed to 2.4 per cent from 4.1 per cent of the fiscal year 2009-2010. Worker remittances remain a critical source of foreign exchange in South Asia. Remittance inflows to Pakistan rose by an estimated 25 per cent in 2011, partly in response to the widespread flooding in the second half of 2010. When measured in local currency terms, given the appreciation of the dollar, remittances inflows to the region grew by a more vibrant 13 per cent in 2011 (median rate). Adjusting for inflation, worker remittances inflows to the region grew by a less robust 5.8 per cent (median rate) in local currency terms. . Pakistan is South Asia8217s second largest economy, representing about 15 per cent of regional GDP. ---------- The portion on Pakistan points out that the country8217s economy firmed in the second half of 2011. Industrial production surged to grow at a robust 32.1pc annualised pace during the three months ending in October, after falling at 9.1 and 10.1pc rates during the first and second quarters, respectively. Part of the strengthening in growth reflects base effects due to the widespread flooding that had hampered activity in the second half of 2010. Since the floods occurred in July and August 2010, GDP growth on a fiscal year basis (ending June-2011) slowed to 2.4pc. The report notes that Pakistan8217s weak growth outturns are also tied to 8220worsening security conditions, accompanied by greater political uncertainty and a breakdown in policy implementation8221. The report also notes that 8220infrastructure bottlenecks, including disruptions in power delivery,8221 remain widespread. A notable bright spot has been a strengthening of exports, evident particularly in the first half of 2011, led by textiles that surged 39pc in the first half of the year. However, like India, Pakistan8217s export volume growth saw a sharp fall-off in October. Indeed, Pakistan8217s export volumes fell to a minus 46pc rate in the three-months ending October. Along with an upswing in worker remittances inflows, robust exports have supported Pakistan8217s external positions and contributed to an improvement in the current account from a deficit of 0.9pc of GDP in 2010 to a surplus of close to 0.5pc of GDP in the 2011 calendar year. The World Bank notes that monetary tightening in Pakistan brought about positive real lending rates in early 2011 as well, the first time since late 2009. ------------ The bank points out that for South Asian nations, including India and Pakistan, domestic crop conditions and price controls are more important determinants of domestic food price inflation. ------------ Regional monetary policy authorities face several challenges in reducing inflation. More recently, currency devaluation has contributed to inflation as well. In Pakistan, monetary authorities have also been monetising the deficit, complicating the efficacy of other monetary policy efforts to reduce inflation. A key factor working against monetary policy efforts is the overall stance of fiscal policy, which despite some consolidation, remains very loose. Monetary authorities in Pakistan have responded to persistent price pressures by raising policy interest rates and/or introducing higher reserve requirements. Lower revenue growth has contributed to larger fiscal deficits in Pakistan. Terms of trade losses are estimated at about 1.9pc of GDP for the region in aggregate. India and Pakistan saw negative impacts of close to 1.8pc of GDP 8211 estimated January through September 2011 terms of trade impacts relative to 2010. Remittance inflow to Pakistan rose by an estimated 25pc in 2011, partly in response to the widespread flooding in the second half of 2010. International reserve positions in South Asia have generally improved since mid-2008. Latest readings of foreign currency holdings were equivalent to at least three-months of merchandise imports in Pakistan. ----------- A good crop year (2011-12) in much of South Asia and sustained high regional stocks are providing a buffer for grain prices and import demand in 2012. Here39s Newsweek39s Ron Moreau on the current crises in Pakistan: . Gilani8217s argument (about president39s immunity) is likely to be contested when the judges convene again, on Feb. 1. 8220On the next date, let8217s hear you convince us the issue is of the president8217s immunity,8221 one of the judges told the prime minister. 8220Let8217s grab the bull by the horns.8221 In fact, however, there seems to be some doubt as to whether the prime minister will be required to appear in person for the hearing. Meanwhile the prime minister8217s lawyer, Aitzan Ahsan, hastened to assure the court that his client intends to comply with the order8212eventually. 8220The letter shall be written when Asif Ali Zardari is no longer president,8221 Ahsan told the judges. ------------- Not that Zardari is in such good shape politically. His approval rating at best is just above 20 percent. Ordinary Pakistanis are struggling to hold themselves together, buffeted by inflation, energy shortages, and worry. Steel mills, railways, the national airline and other state-run enterprises are in pitiful shape as they drain the country8217s already depleted treasury. Corruption and cronyism rage unchecked. To make matters worse, Zardari still has not lived down his reputation for corruption. Back in the late 1980s, when his wife, Benazir Bhutto, was serving her first term as prime minister, Pakistanis contemptuously nicknamed him 8220Mr. 10 Percent,8221 and in 2003 a Swiss court convicted the couple in absentia of skimming and laundering tens of millions of dollars from a Swiss contract. In 2008, after Zardari was elected president in the wake of his wife8217s assassination, the Swiss closed the case at his government8217s request. ------------ As if Zardari didn8217t have enough problems, his generals hate him. 8220The military sees him as a man with no principles, who is prepared to be pro-American and pro-Indian without any ideology of his own,8221 says retired Lt. Gen. Talat Masood. 8220They consider him to be a parasite. They really look down on him.8221 The dislike has only worsened as the military8217s relations with Washington have deteriorated. 8220The Army is unhappy with the Americans, and they are taking it out on Zardari,8221 says opposition parliamentarian and political columnist Ayaz Amir. 8220It8217s the Army, the judiciary, it8217s everyone who wants his scalp.8221 ------------ 8220The military sees him as a man with no principles,8221 says retired Lt. Gen. Talat Masood. 8220They consider him to be a parasite. They really look down on him.8221 At present, though, time appears to be on his side. His term of office (and those of the Parliament his party controls) won8217t expire until 2013. His party and its allies are expected to prevail in the upcoming Senate elections this March, and Zardari could even call for early elections this year to ensure his hold on power. Despite the government8217s incompetence, his Pakistan People8217s Party remains strong and well-organized and the only party with roots in all four provinces. Here39s a Dawn report on ADB39s assessment of Pakistan economy: . After devastating summer floods caused economic growth to slow to 2.4 per cent in the 2010/11 fiscal year, ADB country director for Pakistan Werner Liepach forecast growth to pick up to just 3.6 per cent in 2011/12. The government targets an expansion of 4.2 per cent. 8220Short-term there are huge challenges8230 (the) next few months will continue to be protracted as there are repayments and not enough inflows, reserves will go down,8221 Liepach said. 8220But I don8217t see a crash coming, and I don8217t see the economy taking off either and that8217s not good enough.8221 There is grave concern amongst analysts about a possible balance of payments crisis as Pakistan8217s current account deficit has widened to 2.154 billion in the first six months of the 2011/12 fiscal year. Pakistan had a surplus of 8 million in the same period last year. The deficit is likely to widen further in the coming months because of debt repayments and a lack of external aid. The country8217s foreign exchange reserves stood at 16.90 billion in week ending Jan. 13, compared with its record of 18.31 billion in July last year. The pressure on reserves is likely to continue especially as IMF repayments start from next month. --------- Pakistan has to repay IMF about 1.1 billion by the end of 2011/12 fiscal year. 8220Pakistan has huge potential and not all is negative or gloom and doom,8221 said Liepach. 8220I am positive in the long term if right decisions are taken today.8221 Pakistan has been criticised over its slow implementation of fiscal reforms which include elimination of energy subsidies and restructuring of the state owned utilities. The government also received criticism for not being committed towards implementing the necessary reforms to bring the economy back on track. 8220The people who we are talking to in the government, technocrats, they are committed and want to see the benefits and improvements in Pakistan, they are very sincere in bringing a change in Pakistan,8221 said Liepach. 8220But when you move away from the technocrat level, that8217s when it becomes more complicated. It is a complex decision making system.8221 Focus on projects and delivery of results ADB8217s focus and therefore assistance largely now revolves around projects with four core areas, energy, urban services, water infrastructure and irrigation, and transport. 8220We want to fight poverty through growth and right now our business is focused on implementation of projects and to get results on ground,8221 said Liepach. ADB does not require a letter of comfort from the IMF for approval or disbursement of project-based assistance. ADB has an envelope of 2.9 billion for energy for Pakistan until 2016, out of which 1.4 billion has been utilised and 1.5 billion remains to be drawn down by the government. Pakistan8217s power sector faces a shortfall that often peaks at 5,000 megawatts per day. For urban services, the board has approved 300 million, out of which 260 million remains, water infrastructure and irrigation 900 million has been approved with about 400 million left to be drawn down and 1.1 billion has been approved for transport, and 700 million is left. Government can draw down the assistance when a project is approved and made effective. 8220It8217s a success when power reaches families and industries or when water becomes available to the families etc,8221 said Liepach. Karachi stocks jump almost 7 on tax policy news, reports Daily Times : The Karachi stock market was dominated by bullish sentiment during the week as news regarding the proposals sent by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to the Ministry of Finance pertaining to capital gains tax (CGT), withholding tax (WHT) and disclosure of the source of income created positive investor sentiment. Furthermore, the announcement in the KSE regarding the visit of Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh on the last trading day also provided impetus to the market as he is expected to announce some major changes to the CGT regime. The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) 100-share index gained 760.22 points or 6.9 percent to close at 11, 774.68 points as compared to 11,014.46 points of the previous week. 8220The 100-share index rallied 6.9 percent during the week, highest since April 03, 2009 (146 week high),8221 said JS Sec analyst Naveed Tehsin. 8220However, foreigners remained net sellers, offloading shares worth 3.7 million.8221 Positive expectations related to the CGT issue ruled the market sentiment, while continuing global economic crisis and uncertain domestic political environment failed to dampen investor confidence, he said and added that moreover, the circular debt adjustment worth Rs 150 billion through issuance of Term Finance Certificates (TFCs) and the raid by Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) at All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA) office were the major highlights of the week. News regarding the proposals sent by SECP to the Ministry of Finance pertaining to CGT, WHT and disclosure of the source of income created positive investor sentiment. The government of Pakistan has decided to adjust circular debt worth Rs 150 billion through issuance of TFCs. Reportedly the banks have agreed to subscribe to these issues that is likely to provide relief to the energy and banking sectors by converting loans of the energy companies into TFCs. Despite this news, banks and electricity sectors underperformed the market by 2.8 percent and 3.6 percent, respectively. The daily turnover increased 456.69 percent to close at 178.42 million shares as against 32.05 million shares of the previous week. 8220Stocks closed bullish during the week with record high trades on the last trading day of the week,8221 said Arif Habib Investments Ltd Director Ahsan Mehanti. 8220Hopes of good news regarding CGT issues supported the market while positive revision in Pakistan economic growth estimate to 4 percent, recovery in global stocks, foreign interest in blue chips and statement issued by White House on US, Pakistan to work together to reset ties played a catalyst role in the bullish sentiment at KSE. Pakistani film-maker nominated for Oscar, according to Dawn : Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy became the first Pakistani filmmaker to earn an Oscar nomination with her film Saving face, which was nominated in the 8220Documentary, short film8221 category as the Oscar nominations were released on Tuesday. Obaid, who has directed several documentary films, won an Emmy award in 2010 for her documentary Pakistan: Children of the Taliban. Saving face, which the Karachi-based filmmaker has co-directed with Daniel Junge, depicts the life of a British Pakistani plastic surgeon who donates his time to heal acid victims in Pakistan. The film is set to be released in March this year, while the Oscars will be held on February 26. Pakistan car sales up 20.5 July-Dec 2011, reports Dawn : Car sales in the first half of current fiscal year went up by 20.5 per cent amid negative developments including the government8217s decision to impose a ban on CNG kits and cylinders, suspension in production of Honda Civic and City and increase in prices of all vehicles. According to figures shared by the Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers (PAMA), consumers purchased 12,240 more cars in July-December 2011 to 71,886 units as compared to 59,646 units in the same period of 2010. Increase in production of Suzuki Mehran and Suzuki Bolan for onward supply to Punjab government8217s Yellow Cab Scheme was the main reason that averted the negative impact of ban on CNG kits and cylinders and production halt of Honda cars on the overall production figures. However, local assemblers are still perturbed over the government8217s decision of imposing ban on CNG kits and cylinders. In this regard, Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited (PSMCL), which holds over 50 per cent market share, may suffer more as it used to roll out 80 per cent CNG fitted vehicles out of its total production. Assemblers added that six months sales had risen due to previous orders and the impact of government8217s decision would be visible in coming months. It must be noted that Toyota Corolla, which also launched CNG fitted vehicles few months ago, might also be affected by this decision. Sarfaraz Abbasi, an analyst at Summit Capital, linked the growth in auto sales to removal of 2.5 per cent special excise duty and cut in the rate of General Sales Tax (GST) from 17 to 16 per cent. Car sales in December 2011 plunged due to 92 per cent decline in sales of Honda Cars and flat sales of Indus Motor Company. Honda Atlas Cars has suspended Civic and City production for December 2011 to January 2012 owing to non supply of parts from Thailand. Civic and City sales in December 2011 were recorded only 49 and 22 units as compared to 369 and 528 units in November 2011 respectively. Nauman Khan of Top Line Securities said December 2011 sales declined as buyers preferred to defer orders due to year end phenomenon. 8220Despite launch of new variants by the company in 1600cc segment and CNG vehicles (Eco), Toyota Corolla sales showed a decline on account of reduced farm income amid falling cotton prices,8221 he added. Mehran leads: According to PAMA figures, production and sales of Mehran stood at 15,343 and 17,014 units as compared to 11,995 and 11,591 units in July-December 2010. Production and sales of Bolan rose to 8,052 and 8,848 units as compared to 6,978 and 6,483 units. While other manufacturers suffered production and sales in December 2011 as compared to November 2011, production and sales of Mehran in December 2011 surged to 2,697 and 2,880 units as compared to 2,262 and 2,720 units in November 2011. The production and sale of Bolan in December 2011 recorded at 1,603 and 1,968 units as compared to 1,380 and 1,369 units in November 2011. Daihatsu Cuore continued to suffer as its production and sales plunged to 2,060 and 1,884 units in July-December 2011 as compared to 3,051 and 2,959 units in the corresponding period of 2010 due to reports of closure of its production in Pakistan from March this year. Sale of Suzuki Cultus and Alto rose to 7,034 units in the last six months as compared to 5,599 while sale of Alto increased to 6,779 as compared to 5,762 units. In 1,300cc and above, a total of 2,664 units of Honda Civic and 4,197 units of Honda City were sold in the last six months as compared to 2,918 and 3,957 units in the same period of 2010. Suzuki Liana sales slightly stood at 199 units as compared to 188 units while Swift sales improved to 3,247 from 1,472 units. Toyota Corolla sales grew to 20,020 units from 18,717 units. Here are some excerpts of a BBC report on Pakistani PM Gilani39s pitch at Davos 2012: Pakistan39s Prime Minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, has told business leaders attending the World Economic Forum in Davos that his government is stable and Pakistan is open for business. Mr Gilani tried to convince corporate bosses that despite all the worrying news coming out of Pakistan, his country remains one of the best destinations for foreign investment. It39s a tough sell on his part, not least because of the recent political tensions and a fragile security situation at home. But also because of the country39s faltering economy, with its public finances in disarray and growth hampered by the steady erosion of investor confidence. ----------------- According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Pakistan39s economy grew by only 2.4 last year, one of the lowest in the region and way behind India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. At the heart of Pakistan39s fiscal problem are some chronic structural imbalances. In a country of 180 million, less than 1 of people pay income tax. Billions of rupees of government revenue never make it into the treasury because of leakages, waste and corruption. The country39s public sector enterprises - such as, Pakistan International Airlines and Pakistan Railways - are ailing due to mismanagement and blatant inefficiencies. Industrial production and exports are hampered by crippling energy shortages, often leading to violent protests. Absence of private sector investment means fewer jobs and a growing number of unemployed youths. Particularly unbearable for the majority of low-income Pakistani families was the unprecedented continuous double-digit inflation during most of Mr Gilani39s four years in office. --------------- Critics of Mr Gilani say that in the face of his government39s dismal economic performance, his upbeat statements show the government is either in denial or ignorant of realities. quotDuring the last four years, we have seen four governors change hands at the State Bank of Pakistan, four finance ministers, four finance secretaries, and five heads of the Central Board of Revenue, quot points out Dr Ashfaq Hasan Khan, a former adviser to Pakistan39s Ministry of Finance. ----------------------- Economist S Akbar Zaidi believes there is a silver lining and rejects predictions of Pakistan39s imminent economic collapse. quotYes, Pakistan39s economy is struggling, but it is not in a freefall or even on the verge of it, quot he says. -------------- quotIn fact, in my view, the economy is doing surprisingly better than expected under the circumstances. The economy has shown itself to be much more resilient than many people would like to admit. With necessary structural reforms, Pakistan has all the potential to rise above its current low growth trap. quot To be fair, Mr Gilani got off to a bumpy start when he came into office in 2008. It proved to be a disastrous year for Pakistan39s economy, mainly due to external shocks it suffered from the sudden rise in world oil prices and the global financial turmoil. Pakistani stocks hit 6.5 months high, reports Reuters : A rally in Pakistani banking shares helped lift the bourse to end on a six-and-a-half month high on Tuesday as foreign investors snapped up local stocks on the back of expected strong corporate results, dealers said. The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) benchmark 100-share index gained more than one percent for a second straight day, closing up 1.22 percent or 147.70 points, at 12,284.62 points, its highest close since July 26, 2011. Volume fell to 162.11 million shares, compared with 196.3 million traded on Monday. quotThe bullish trend continued on renewed foreign investment led by banking stocks in the earnings announcement session at KSE, quot said Ahsan Mehanti, director at Arif Habib Corp Ltd. Foreign investors bought shares worth a net 3.47 million on Monday. Data for Tuesday will be released later in the day. Winners on the KSE included Bank Alfalah, which closed 2 percent higher at 12.75 rupees, and National Bank of Pakistan, which rose 2.85 percent to 46.58 rupees. In the currency market, the rupee ended weaker at 90.62/67 to the dollar, compared with Monday39s close of 90.50/56 due to increased import payments, particularly oil. Dealers said they were also cautious after the International Monetary Fund advised Pakistan to take immediate steps to tackle growing budget pressures and raise interest rates to contain inflation. The IMF projected a widening of Pakistan39s fiscal deficit in the 2011/12 fiscal year to 7 percent of gross domestic product, compared with the government39s revised budget target of 4.7 percent. The rupee touched a record low of 91.28 to the dollar on Jan. 9, pressured by worries about higher payments for oil imports and the country39s overall economic health, especially a weakening current account. The current account recorded a provisional deficit of 2.154 billion in the first six months of the 2011/12 fiscal year, compared with a surplus of 8 million in the same period last year, according to data from the State Bank of Pakistan. The deficit is likely to widen further in coming months because of debt repayments and a lack of external aid. In the money market, overnight rates ended lower at between 11.25 percent and 11.75 percent, compared with Monday39s close of 11.90 percent after the central bank bought back government paper worth 37 billion rupees (408.70 million). Pakistan39s KSE-100 hits 45-month high to reach 12,743.66 points, according to The News : The Karachi Stock Exchange8217s (KSE) benchmark index improved by 37 points on select buying in cement, banking, fertiliser and energy stocks, as investors continued to take position in those stocks, which announced healthy earnings in the ongoing results season, dealers said on Monday. 8220Earnings excitement kept investors8217 moral amid the market on higher side,8221 said Samar Iqbal, an equity dealer at the Topline Securities, adding that the developments related to the capital gains tax regime did not allow the market sustain intraday high gains. The benchmark KSE-100 Index increased by 37.14 points, or 0.29 percent, to 12,743.66 points. This was a new record high level of 45-month. The index moved either side of the fence by 136.52 points between intraday high of 12,790.52 points and a low of 12,654 points. The KSE-30 Index surged by 35.56 points, or 0.30 percent, to 11,880.70 points. The UBL was the star performer as it closed with one-day maximum increase of five percent, or Rs3.32, at Rs69.73. The stock ranked at the third position among the top volume leaders with 6.58 million shares. Moreover, UBL alone drove the index higher by 17 points. Other stocks, which strengthened the index included MCB Bank, Allied Bank Limited, NIB Bank, Meezan Bank Limited, DG Khan Cement, Engro Corporation, Fauji Fertilizer Company, Pakistan Oilfields Limited, Pakistan Petroleum and PTCL. The Oil and Gas Development Company drove the index down by 15 points. It closed at Rs165 with a loss of 52 paisas on a turnover of 397,491 shares. 8220DG Khan Cement continued to remain in the limelight and closed four percent up along with Lafarge Pakistan that also gained four percent as investors believed that the cement companies8217 profits will further improve.8221 Moreover, investors focused on the FBR-related development on the CGT reform package, she added. Hasnain Asghar Ali, a market analyst, added that the news reports regarding an increase in holding period for CGT computations led to a sluggish start. 8220The FBR may increase stock holdings period to 120 days from previously 90 days so that the investors will not be asked to disclose their source of income.8221 Hefty trading in mid-tier and low-priced stocks, however, disallowed the initial negativity to stay for a long period, he added. Volumes increased to 205.79 million shares from 192.34 million shares traded in the previous session on Friday. The market capitalisation improved by Rs9 billion to Rs3,319 billion. Out of the total 365 companies8217 traded stocks, 151 declined, 145 advanced and 69 remained unchanged. Jahangir Siddiqui was the volume leader with a turnover of 22.36 million shares as it closed at Rs10.49 with a loss of one paisa followed by DG Khan Cement with a turnover of 20.89 million shares as it closed at Rs28.23 with an increase of Rs1.07. Here39s an example of quotthe worst 5 of Pakistan storyquot getting 95 of coverage: The adage that you can39t judge a book by its cover is apparently not true in the case of Pakistan. Consider the following top ten recently published books on Pakistan: (1) Pakistan: Beyond the crisis state (2) Playing with fire: Pakistan at war with itself. (3) The unraveling: Pakistan in the age of jihad (4) Pakistan on the brink (5) Pakistan: Eye of the storm (6) Deadly Embrace: Pakistan, America and the future of global jihad (7) Fatal Fault Lines: Pakistan, Islam and the West ( 8) Pakistan: the most dangerous place in the world (9) Pakistan Cauldron: conspiracy, assassination and instability (9) Pakistan: The scorpion39s tail (10) Pakistan: terrorism ground zero. To top it all, The Future of Pakistan, which is a collection of essays by noted Pakistan-hands, makes bold to provoke the debate of quotWhitherquot Vs quotWhetherquot Pakistan. Pakistan is wracked by ten major crises. (1) Crisis of Economy - this is characterised by stagflation, dependency, resource scarcity and mass impoverishment. (2) Crisis of Education - this is characterised by the Madrassah challenge, jihad indoctrination, English - Urdu apartheid. (3) Crisis of Urbanisation - this is characterised by slum development, criminalisation, ethnic warfare. (4) Crisis of Demography - this is characterised by a youth bulge, religious conservatism and class volatility. (5) Crisis of Foreign Policy - this is characterised by conflict, isolation and estrangement. (6) Crisis of terrorism and radicalisation - this is characterised by Islamic extremism, violent sectarianism and ethnic separatism. (7) Crisis of Civil-Military Relations - this is characterised by military domination and civilian incapacity. (8) Crisis of Political System and Governance - this is characterised by corruption, incompetence and autocracy. (9) Crisis of Law and Order - this is characterised by stateorgan failure and constitutional gridlock. (10) Crisis of Identity - this is characterised by tension between notions of Nation - State vs Pan - Islamism, being primarily Pakistani Vs Muslim, and having South Asian Vs Middle-Eastern roots. Read more at: indiatoday. intoday. in/story/the-pakistani-state-is-staring-at-a-dark-abyss/1/185216.html Here39s an ET report on Russian interest in building Diamer Bhasha dam: Russia is seeking direct award of a construction contract for the 13 billion Diamer Bhasha Dam in a government-to-government deal without resorting to international competitive bidding, sources say. Faced with water and power shortages, Pakistan is looking for funds from China and Russia, who in turn want a government-to-government deal without international bidding. The government8217s search for funds came after multilateral donors asked Pakistan to get a no-objection certificate from India for the dam8217s construction. China and Russia want a similar arrangement for undertaking the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, which has faced fierce opposition from the United States. According to sources, Pakistan and Russia are likely to strike a final deal on the dam during visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Islamabad next month. 8220A meeting of Pak-Russia inter-ministerial commission will be held before the visit of Russian president, which will work out a mechanism for financing mega projects,8221 a government official said. In a meeting of the Inter-governmental Commission (IGC) held here on Monday, government officials gave a detailed briefing to the Russian team on planned energy projects. However, sources said, Russia made no firm commitment to the dam. According to the official, it was just a preparatory meeting to discuss different projects, which could be tabled during deliberations with the Russian president. In the IGC meeting, the Russian side was told that Bhasha Dam was a strategic project with power generation capacity of 4,500 megawatts to overcome the energy crisis. It will have water storage capacity of 8.5 million acre feet to feed the agricultural sector. The Chinese government has already offered Pakistan skilled labour for the construction of Bhasha Dam. China has 17,000 skilled workers, who have worked on the giant Three Gorges Dam, which is producing 30,000 megawatts of electricity. On the other hand, multilateral donors have asked Pakistan to seek a no-objection certificate from India to pave the way for financing the dam, which they say is situated in a disputed territory. Instead, they have offered to finance another project 8211 Dasu hydropower, but the government has rejected the plan and wants to complete Bhasha Dam first. On Monday, a delegation of the World Bank, headed by Country Director Rachid Benmessaud, called on Federal Water and Power Minister Ahmed Mukhtar and once again offered to finance phase-I of the Dasu project. Dasu hydropower project is situated 7 km upstream of Dasu village on Indus River and 350 km from Islamabad. The project is located in Kohistan district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Here39s a Forbes piece on Millat tractors in Pakistan: Almost a year after floods devastated Pakistan, swamping 5.8 million acres of farmland and displacing millions of people, Ashaq Malik, who grows cotton, sugarcane and wheat on 865 acres in Punjab province, has reason to feel optimistic. After nearly a third of his land was inundated, today he is seeing a strong harvest. quotAs soon as the water level fell down, we started reconstructing the houses and working on the fields, quot says Malik. quotToday there is no problem with the crops. quot Companies that service the agriculture sector are also thriving in the rebound, none more than Millat Tractors of Lahore, which also manufactures other farm gear. Last year Millat earned 2.3 billion rupees (29 million) on sales of 263 million, a 40 increase from the previous year. In the first quarter of 2011 profits grew 52 from the same period a year earlier.. To buy his 150,000 shares, Ansari--then a 39-year-old general manager--sold a plot of land, liquidated his retirement funds and borrowed money from his father. quotIt was a lot of money to me back then, quot he says. quotToday it39s like a lottery coming your way. The value has increased many, many fold since then. quot Today the public, including Millat39s 1,600 employees, owns 42 of the company management and kin 28 and banks and other institutions the rest. Employees are prosperous because of stock dividends and their salaries. Most of Millat39s employees pay income tax--a sign of affluence in Pakistan--and have their own cars. .. From Hydroworld on Diamer Bhasha dam in Pakistan: The U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks bids to perform a technical engineering review and upgrade of plans for Pakistan39s proposed 4,500-MW Diamer Bhasha hydroelectric project on the Indus River. Bids are due November 17. USAID also has called for bids by October 27 to provide financial advisory services to the government of Pakistan for Diamer Bhasha. It awarded a contract in September to MWH Global to perform an environmental and social impact assessment of the project. USAID has pledged US200 million toward development of Diamer Basha, with funds to be used for assessment of environmental and social effects of the proposed project as well as preparation of a financial package. The project is to include a 272-meter-tall roller-compacted-concrete dam, two diversion tunnels, two underground powerhouses of 2,250 MW each, a permanent access bridge, and hydro-mechanical and steel structural equipment. USAID/Pakistan now seeks bids for technical assessment, review and upgrade of the engineering design, cost estimates and documentation for Diamer Bhasha. The work is expected to require one year at a cost of US5.59 million to US6.59 million. A solicitation notice may be obtained from the U. S. Federal Business Opportunities Internet site, fbo. gov, by entering Solicitation No. AID39114000059 in the quotKeyword/Solicitation quot box. Bidders are to submit separate technical and cost proposals by 4 p. m. U. S. Eastern time, November 17. For information, contact Maria Hassan, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist, Department of State, USAID Unit 62206, APO 09812-2206, Islamabad, Pakistan (92) 51-2081285 E-mail: mahassanusaid. gov. Lowongan Kerja ASN/CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia P E N G U M U M A N NOMOR. PENG/KP/222/09/2014/02 SELEKSI PENERIMAAN CALON PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL KEMENTERIAN LUAR NEGERI TINGKAT SARJANA DAN PASCA SARJANA (GOLONGAN III) DAN DIPLOMA 3 (GOLONGAN II) JALUR UMUM TAHUN ANGGARAN 2014 ISO 9001:2008 Lowongan Kerja CPNS 2014 . Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita yang memiliki integritas dan komitmen tinggi untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II untuk dididik dan ditugaskan di lingkungan Kementerian Luar Negeri RI dan Perwakilan RI di Luar Negeri. Rincian Jabatan dan Jumlah Formasi 1. Diplomat Lulusan Sarjana (S-1) sejumlah 100 orang dan lulusan Master/Magister (S-2) atau Doktor (S-3) sejumlah 50 orang untuk mengisi formasi CPNS Golongan III dan dididik menjadi Pejabat Diplomatik dan Konsuler (Diplomat). Uraian Kerja: Melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi mewakili negara dan pemerintah Indonesia (representing), melakukan perundingan untuk dan atas nama kepentingan nasional (negotiating), melindungi kepentingan negara dan pemerintah, warga negara, dan Badan Hukum Indonesia (protecting), membangun jejaring dan kerja sama untuk memajukan hubungan kedua negara/pihak (promoting) dan melakukan pelaporan pelaksanaan tugas dan pengamatan di bidang politik, keamanan, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya (reporting). Tugas-tugas tersebut dilaksanakan di Kementerian Luar Negeri dan Perwakilan RI di luar negeri. 2. Pengadministrasi Keuangan / Pengadministrasi Anggaran / Verifikator Keuangan / Bendahara Lulusan Diploma 3 (D-3) sejumlah 25 orang untuk menjadi CPNS Golongan II pada Kementerian Luar Negeri dan dididik menjadi Bendahara dan Penata Kerumahtanggaan pada Perwakilan RI. Uraian Kerja: Pengadministrasi Keuangan: antara lain menerima, menyusun, membukukan setiap transaksi ke dalam pembukuan sesuai ketentuan dan prosedur yang berlaku serta melaporkan pajak bulanan dan tahunan agar pelaksanaan tugas berjalan lancar. Pengadministrasi Anggaran: Menginventarisasi usulan rencana kegiatan unit kerja sebagai bahan penyusun konsep rumusan kebijakan penyusunan anggaran program mencakup penyiapan bahan masukan untuk penyusunan RPJPN, RPJMN, RKP dan Renja, penyiapan bahan penelaahan usulan kegiatan, penyusunan konsep rumusan kebijakan penyusunan anggaran program mencakup penyiapan bahan Rapat Kerja Kemlu, menyiapkan bahan penyusun konsep Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) Bagian Perencanaan Program, bahan verifikasi usulan kegiatan unit kerja, menyusun bahan dokumen perencanaan dan dokumen kegiatan, dan menginventarisasi bahan penelaahan dokumen Penetapan Kinerja (PK) Unit Kerja. Verifikator Keuangan: antara lain memeriksa dan mencatat bukti pengeluaran, verifikasi anggaran penerimaan, pengeluaran, dan laporan keuangan satuan kerja di Kementerian Luar Negeri. Bendahara: antara lain melakukan fungsi penerimaan (melakukan penerimaan, penyimpanan, pencatatan, pengeluaran dan penatausahaan anggaran satuan kerja) dan fungsi pengeluaran (mengelola pembayaran, pembebanan, pemotongan/pemungutan, penyetoran dan pelaporan pajak, pengajuan surat perintah membayar (SPM), pembukuan, penatausahaan, penyusunan dan penyampaian laporan pertanggungjawaban bendahara satuan kerja). I. PERSYARATAN UMUM a. Warga Negara Indonesia b. Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1996 dan sebelumnya) dan berusia maksimum: 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2014 (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1986 dan setelahnya) untuk tingkat Diploma (D-3) dan Sarjana (S-1) 32 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2014 (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1982 dan setelahnya) untuk tingkat Magister/Master (S-2) 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2014 (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1979 dan setelahnya) untuk tingkat Doktor (S-3). C. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap. D. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta. D. h. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan tidak sedang terikat perjanjian/kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain. F. Sehat jasmani dan rohani. G. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan oleh Pemerintah, termasuk di negara/wilayah yang rawan secara politik, ekonomi maupun keamanan. H. Tidak bersuamikan/beristrikan seorang yang berkewarganegaraan asing atau tanpa kewarganegaraan. II. PERSYARATAN KHUSUS a. Berijazah Sarjana (S-1), Magister/Master (S-2), atau Doktor (S-3): 1. Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Ilmu Politik, Studi Kawasan, Ilmu Komunikasi, Hubungan Masyarakat, Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Administrasi Negara). 2. Ilmu Hukum (Hukum Internasional, Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Bisnis, Hukum Lingkungan, Hukum Tata Negara, dan Hukum Administrasi Negara). 3. Ilmu Ekonomi. 4. Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya/Sastra (Arab, Cina, Inggris, Jepang, Jerman, Korea, Perancis, Rusia). B. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia yang program studinya terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri, dengan persyaratan IPK: Sarjana (S-1) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima) dalam skala 4 Magister/Master (S-2) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol) dalam skala 4 Doktor (S-3) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol) dalam skala 4. c. Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan), dan/atau bahasa Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) lainnya (Arab, Spanyol, Mandarin, Perancis, dan Rusia), dan/atau bahasa asing lainnya (Jepang, Jerman, dan Korea). D. Bersedia tidak mengundurkan diri selama Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Diklat) dan menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 (lima) tahun sejak selesai Diklat. B. Pengadministrasi Keuangan / Pengadministrasi Anggaran / Verifikator Keuangan / Bendahara a. Berijazah Diploma 3 (D-3): 1. Akuntansi 2. Manajemen 3. Administrasi Negara 4. Administrasi Niaga b. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia yang program studinya terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri, dengan persyaratan IPK minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima) pada skala 4. c. Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan). D. Bersedia tidak mengundurkan diri selama Diklat dan menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 (lima) tahun sejak selesai Diklat. ein. Pelamar diwajibkan melakukan registrasi online dari tanggal 2-16 September 2014 melalui situs Panitia Seleksi Nasional di panselnas. menpan. go. id. Selanjutnya, setelah mendapatkan notifikasi email dari administrator e-recruitment Kementerian Luar Negeri, pelamar diwajibkan untuk melakukan registrasi online pada situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id mulai tanggal 2-16 September 2014 dan mencetak formulir registrasi beserta pernyataan menyetujui ketentuan dan syarat yang ditetapkan. B. Disamping melakukan registrasi online pada kedua situs dimaksud pada butir (a), Pelamar wajib mengirimkan berkas lamaran kepada Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu Tahun Anggaran 2014 melalui Pos Tercatat mulai tanggal 3 September 2014 (CAP POS) dan berakhir pada tanggal 17 September 2014 (CAP POS), serta sudah harus diterima Panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 19 September 2014, ditujukan kepada: Ketua Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu T. A. 2014 P. O. BOX 2846 JKP 10028 (untuk Pengadministrasi Keuangan / Pengadministrasi Anggaran / Verifikator Keuangan / Bendahara) P. O. BOX 2847 JKP 10028 c. Setiap Pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu berkas lamaran dan mendaftar hanya untuk satu kategori seleksi Diplomat, Pengadministrasi Keuangan, Pengadministrasi Anggaran, Verifikator Keuangan atau Bendahara. D. Panitia hanya menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui P. O. BOX tersebut di atas dan tidak menerima penyampaian berkas lamaran secara langsung. D. h. Dokumen yang harus disampaikan bersamaan dengan berkas lamaran adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Print out Formulir Registrasi online 2) Surat Pernyataan Menyetujui Ketentuan dan Syarat yang telah dicetak, ditandatangani dan dibubuhi meterai Rp. 6.000,00 3) Fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku 4) Daftar Riwayat Hidup terakhir sesuai dengan format yang telah disediakan ( format Daftar Riwayat Hidup di sini) 5) Satu lembar fotokopi ijazah (D-3, S-1, S-2 atau S-3) berikut transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisasi (cap basah dan tanda tangan asli) oleh pejabat yang berwenang mengesahkan fotokopi ijazah (daftar pejabat dapat dilihat di sini). Untuk lulusan universitas luar negeri wajib melampirkan Hasil Penilaian Kesetaraan Ijazah Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. Surat Keterangan Kelulusan / Ijazah Sementara tidak diterima. Catatan: bagi lulusan luar negeri yang memiliki transkrip nilai tidak berskala 4 harap melampirkan konversi transkrip nilai dalam skala 4. 6) Fotokopi Akte Kelahiran 7) Pas foto terakhir ukuran 46 cm (berwarna) sesuai dengan kriteria foto sebanyak 3 lembar. Harap tuliskan nama pelamar di bagian belakang foto (lihat kriteria foto di sini). F. Pelamar diminta untuk tidak melampirkan dokumen-dokumen lain selain yang tersebut pada butir (e) g. Lamaran beserta lampiran tersebut pada butir (e) disusun rapi sesuai urutan di atas dalam map kertas jepit berlubang dengan warna: 1) Biru untuk Pelamar Diplomat 2) Kuning untuk Pelamar Pengadministrasi Keuangan 3) Hijau untuk Pelamar Pengadministrasi Anggaran dan 4) Putih untuk Pelamar Verifikator Keuangan dan 5) Merah untuk Pelamar Bendahara. H. Map lamaran beserta lampiran dimasukkan dalam amplop warna coklat. Pada pojok kiri atas amplop agar ditempelkan potongan barcode yang dapat diperoleh setelah mengunduh formulir registrasi pada e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. ich. Berkas lamaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas tidak akan diproses. J Berkas lamaran yang diterima Panitia menjadi milik Panitia dan tidak dapat diminta kembali oleh Pelamar. IV. TAHAPAN DAN JADWAL SELEKSI Seleksi penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri dilakukan dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut: 1. Seleksi Administrasi 2. Tes Kompetensi Dasar (meliputi wawasan kebangsaan, intelejensi umum, dan tes karakteristik pribadi), dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 10 Oktober 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian 3. Tes Kompetensi Bidang a. Ujian Substansi (meliputi masalah nasional, internasional dan pengetahuan umum yang akan dilaksanakan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris), dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian b. Ujian Kemampuan/Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris dan/atau Bahasa PBB Lainnya (Arab, Spanyol, Mandarin, Perancis, dan Rusia) dan/atau bahasa asing lainnya (Jepang, Jerman, dan Korea) berdasarkan pilihan Pelamar, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5-8 November 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian c. Pemeriksaan Psikologi, Wawancara Substansi, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19-23 November 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan akan ditentukan kemudian 4. Tes Kesehatan, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24-29 November 2014. Tempat Pelaksanaan Ujian akan ditentukan kemudian 5. Pelamar yang lulus pada setiap tahapan ujian akan diumumkan melalui situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id 6. Seleksi dilakukan dengan sistem gugur dan keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat V. PENGUMUMAN HASIL SELEKSI ADMINISTRASI 1. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus Seleksi Administrasi adalah mereka yang telah melakukan registrasi online pada situs panselnas. menpan. go. id. dan e-cpns. kemlu. go. id serta memenuhi seluruh persyaratan kelengkapan administrasi. Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dijadwalkan akan diumumkan pada tanggal 24 September 2014 melalui situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. 2. Pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus tahapan Seleksi Administrasi diwajibkan untuk mencetak Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian (KTPU) sebagai syarat mengikuti Ujian Tulis Substansi. KTPU untuk masing-masing peserta yang dinyatakan lulus dapat diunduh pada akun pelamar di situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. 1. Seluruh informasi terkait dengan Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu TA 2014 akan disampaikan melalui situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. Para Pelamar disarankan untuk terus memantau situs dimaksud. 2. Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri TA 2014 tidak melayani komunikasi dalam bentuk apapun. Saran dan keluhan dapat disampaikan melalui email keluhandansarankemlu. go. id 3. Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri TA 2014 tidak memungut biaya apapun dalam Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri. 4. Kementerian Luar Negeri tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum-oknum yang mengatasnamakan Kementerian Luar Negeri atau Panitia. 5. Bagi peserta yang lulus setiap tahapan diwajibkan mengikuti seleksi tahapan berikutnya. 6. Bagi pelamar telah dinyatakan lulus seluruh tahapan Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS, diwajibkan untuk menyampaikan kelengkapan dokumen untuk pemberkasan CPNS sebagai berikut: i. Asli surat keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika, psikotropika, prekursor, dan zat adiktif lainnya terbaru (3 bulan terakhir), tidak buta warna, keterangan tidak hamil, yang dikeluarkan oleh dokter ii. Asli Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) iii. Fotokopi tanda pencari kerja (kartu kuning Kemenakertrans) yang masih berlaku. Dokumen sebagaimana dimaksud pada butir (6) disampaikan pada saat registrasi ulang CPNS. 7. Bagi mereka yang telah dinyatakan lulus hingga tahapan terakhir seleksi, tetapi mengundurkan diri diwajibkan mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan Panitia sebesar Rp 40.000.000,- (empat puluh juta rupiah) untuk disetorkan kepada Kas Negara. 8. Lamaran yang dikirimkan kepada Kementerian Luar Negeri sebelum ditayangkannya pengumuman ini dianggap tidak berlaku. 9. Keputusan Panitia dalam hal kelulusan Pelamar pada setiap tahapan tes bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. 10. Apabila Pelamar memberikan keterangan/data yang tidak benar, baik pada setiap tahapan tes/ujian maupun setelah dinyatakan lulus dan diangkat menjadi CPNS/PNS di Kementerian Luar Negeri, maka Kementerian Luar Negeri berhak membatalkan keikutsertaan Pelamar pada tahapan ujian dan/atau memberhentikan sebagai CPNS/PNS Kementerian Luar Negeri, dan melaporkan sebagai tindak pidana ke pihak yang berwenang karena telah memberikan keterangan palsu. 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PENG/KP/222/09/2014/02 SELEKSI PENERIMAAN CALON PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL KEMENTERIAN LUAR NEGERI TINGKAT SARJANA DAN PASCA SARJANA (GOLONGAN III) DAN DIPLOMA 3 (GOLONGAN II) JALUR UMUM TAHUN ANGGARAN 2014 ISO 9001:2008 Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita yang memiliki integritas dan komitmen tinggi untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II untuk dididik dan ditugaskan di lingkungan Kementerian Luar Negeri RI dan Perwakilan RI di Luar Negeri. Rincian Jabatan dan Jumlah Formasi 1. Diplomat Lulusan Sarjana (S-1) sejumlah 100 orang dan lulusan Master/Magister (S-2) atau Doktor (S-3) sejumlah 50 orang untuk mengisi formasi CPNS Golongan III dan dididik menjadi Pejabat Diplomatik dan Konsuler (Diplomat). Uraian Kerja: Melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi mewakili negara dan pemerintah Indonesia (representing), melakukan perundingan untuk dan atas nama kepentingan nasional (negotiating), melindungi kepentingan negara dan pemerintah, warga negara, dan Badan Hukum Indonesia (protecting), membangun jejaring dan kerja sama untuk memajukan hubungan kedua negara/pihak (promoting) dan melakukan pelaporan pelaksanaan tugas dan pengamatan di bidang politik, keamanan, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya (reporting). Tugas-tugas tersebut dilaksanakan di Kementerian Luar Negeri dan Perwakilan RI di luar negeri. 2. Pengadministrasi Keuangan / Pengadministrasi Anggaran / Verifikator Keuangan / Bendahara Lulusan Diploma 3 (D-3) sejumlah 25 orang untuk menjadi CPNS Golongan II pada Kementerian Luar Negeri dan dididik menjadi Bendahara dan Penata Kerumahtanggaan pada Perwakilan RI. Uraian Kerja: Pengadministrasi Keuangan: antara lain menerima, menyusun, membukukan setiap transaksi ke dalam pembukuan sesuai ketentuan dan prosedur yang berlaku serta melaporkan pajak bulanan dan tahunan agar pelaksanaan tugas berjalan lancar. Pengadministrasi Anggaran: Menginventarisasi usulan rencana kegiatan unit kerja sebagai bahan penyusun konsep rumusan kebijakan penyusunan anggaran program mencakup penyiapan bahan masukan untuk penyusunan RPJPN, RPJMN, RKP dan Renja, penyiapan bahan penelaahan usulan kegiatan, penyusunan konsep rumusan kebijakan penyusunan anggaran program mencakup penyiapan bahan Rapat Kerja Kemlu, menyiapkan bahan penyusun konsep Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) Bagian Perencanaan Program, bahan verifikasi usulan kegiatan unit kerja, menyusun bahan dokumen perencanaan dan dokumen kegiatan, dan menginventarisasi bahan penelaahan dokumen Penetapan Kinerja (PK) Unit Kerja. Verifikator Keuangan: antara lain memeriksa dan mencatat bukti pengeluaran, verifikasi anggaran penerimaan, pengeluaran, dan laporan keuangan satuan kerja di Kementerian Luar Negeri. Bendahara: antara lain melakukan fungsi penerimaan (melakukan penerimaan, penyimpanan, pencatatan, pengeluaran dan penatausahaan anggaran satuan kerja) dan fungsi pengeluaran (mengelola pembayaran, pembebanan, pemotongan/pemungutan, penyetoran dan pelaporan pajak, pengajuan surat perintah membayar (SPM), pembukuan, penatausahaan, penyusunan dan penyampaian laporan pertanggungjawaban bendahara satuan kerja). I. PERSYARATAN UMUM a. Warga Negara Indonesia b. Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1996 dan sebelumnya) dan berusia maksimum: 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2014 (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1986 dan setelahnya) untuk tingkat Diploma (D-3) dan Sarjana (S-1) 32 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2014 (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1982 dan setelahnya) untuk tingkat Magister/Master (S-2) 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2014 (tanggal lahir 1 Desember 1979 dan setelahnya) untuk tingkat Doktor (S-3). C. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap. D. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta. D. h. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan tidak sedang terikat perjanjian/kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain. F. Sehat jasmani dan rohani. G. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan oleh Pemerintah, termasuk di negara/wilayah yang rawan secara politik, ekonomi maupun keamanan. H. Tidak bersuamikan/beristrikan seorang yang berkewarganegaraan asing atau tanpa kewarganegaraan. II. PERSYARATAN KHUSUS a. Berijazah Sarjana (S-1), Magister/Master (S-2), atau Doktor (S-3): 1. Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Ilmu Politik, Studi Kawasan, Ilmu Komunikasi, Hubungan Masyarakat, Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Administrasi Negara). 2. Ilmu Hukum (Hukum Internasional, Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Bisnis, Hukum Lingkungan, Hukum Tata Negara, dan Hukum Administrasi Negara). 3. Ilmu Ekonomi. 4. Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya/Sastra (Arab, Cina, Inggris, Jepang, Jerman, Korea, Perancis, Rusia). B. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia yang program studinya terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri, dengan persyaratan IPK: Sarjana (S-1) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima) dalam skala 4 Magister/Master (S-2) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol) dalam skala 4 Doktor (S-3) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol) dalam skala 4. c. Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan), dan/atau bahasa Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) lainnya (Arab, Spanyol, Mandarin, Perancis, dan Rusia), dan/atau bahasa asing lainnya (Jepang, Jerman, dan Korea). D. Bersedia tidak mengundurkan diri selama Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Diklat) dan menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 (lima) tahun sejak selesai Diklat. B. Pengadministrasi Keuangan / Pengadministrasi Anggaran / Verifikator Keuangan / Bendahara a. Berijazah Diploma 3 (D-3): 1. Akuntansi 2. Manajemen 3. Administrasi Negara 4. Administrasi Niaga b. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia yang program studinya terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri, dengan persyaratan IPK minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima) pada skala 4. c. Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan). D. Bersedia tidak mengundurkan diri selama Diklat dan menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 (lima) tahun sejak selesai Diklat. ein. Pelamar diwajibkan melakukan registrasi online dari tanggal 2-16 September 2014 melalui situs Panitia Seleksi Nasional di panselnas. menpan. go. id. Selanjutnya, setelah mendapatkan notifikasi email dari administrator e-recruitment Kementerian Luar Negeri, pelamar diwajibkan untuk melakukan registrasi online pada situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id mulai tanggal 2-16 September 2014 dan mencetak formulir registrasi beserta pernyataan menyetujui ketentuan dan syarat yang ditetapkan. B. Disamping melakukan registrasi online pada kedua situs dimaksud pada butir (a), Pelamar wajib mengirimkan berkas lamaran kepada Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu Tahun Anggaran 2014 melalui Pos Tercatat mulai tanggal 3 September 2014 (CAP POS) dan berakhir pada tanggal 17 September 2014 (CAP POS), serta sudah harus diterima Panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 19 September 2014, ditujukan kepada: Ketua Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu T. A. 2014 P. O. BOX 2846 JKP 10028 (untuk Pengadministrasi Keuangan / Pengadministrasi Anggaran / Verifikator Keuangan / Bendahara) P. O. BOX 2847 JKP 10028 c. Setiap Pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu berkas lamaran dan mendaftar hanya untuk satu kategori seleksi Diplomat, Pengadministrasi Keuangan, Pengadministrasi Anggaran, Verifikator Keuangan atau Bendahara. D. Panitia hanya menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui P. O. BOX tersebut di atas dan tidak menerima penyampaian berkas lamaran secara langsung. D. h. Dokumen yang harus disampaikan bersamaan dengan berkas lamaran adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Print out Formulir Registrasi online 2) Surat Pernyataan Menyetujui Ketentuan dan Syarat yang telah dicetak, ditandatangani dan dibubuhi meterai Rp. 6.000,00 3) Fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku 4) Daftar Riwayat Hidup terakhir sesuai dengan format yang telah disediakan ( format Daftar Riwayat Hidup di sini) 5) Satu lembar fotokopi ijazah (D-3, S-1, S-2 atau S-3) berikut transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisasi (cap basah dan tanda tangan asli) oleh pejabat yang berwenang mengesahkan fotokopi ijazah (daftar pejabat dapat dilihat di sini). Untuk lulusan universitas luar negeri wajib melampirkan Hasil Penilaian Kesetaraan Ijazah Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. Surat Keterangan Kelulusan / Ijazah Sementara tidak diterima. Catatan: bagi lulusan luar negeri yang memiliki transkrip nilai tidak berskala 4 harap melampirkan konversi transkrip nilai dalam skala 4. 6) Fotokopi Akte Kelahiran 7) Pas foto terakhir ukuran 46 cm (berwarna) sesuai dengan kriteria foto sebanyak 3 lembar. Harap tuliskan nama pelamar di bagian belakang foto (lihat kriteria foto di sini). F. Pelamar diminta untuk tidak melampirkan dokumen-dokumen lain selain yang tersebut pada butir (e) g. Lamaran beserta lampiran tersebut pada butir (e) disusun rapi sesuai urutan di atas dalam map kertas jepit berlubang dengan warna: 1) Biru untuk Pelamar Diplomat 2) Kuning untuk Pelamar Pengadministrasi Keuangan 3) Hijau untuk Pelamar Pengadministrasi Anggaran dan 4) Putih untuk Pelamar Verifikator Keuangan dan 5) Merah untuk Pelamar Bendahara. H. Map lamaran beserta lampiran dimasukkan dalam amplop warna coklat. Pada pojok kiri atas amplop agar ditempelkan potongan barcode yang dapat diperoleh setelah mengunduh formulir registrasi pada e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. ich. Berkas lamaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas tidak akan diproses. J Berkas lamaran yang diterima Panitia menjadi milik Panitia dan tidak dapat diminta kembali oleh Pelamar. IV. TAHAPAN DAN JADWAL SELEKSI Seleksi penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri dilakukan dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut: 1. Seleksi Administrasi 2. Tes Kompetensi Dasar (meliputi wawasan kebangsaan, intelejensi umum, dan tes karakteristik pribadi), dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 10 Oktober 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian 3. Tes Kompetensi Bidang a. Ujian Substansi (meliputi masalah nasional, internasional dan pengetahuan umum yang akan dilaksanakan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris), dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian b. Ujian Kemampuan/Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris dan/atau Bahasa PBB Lainnya (Arab, Spanyol, Mandarin, Perancis, dan Rusia) dan/atau bahasa asing lainnya (Jepang, Jerman, dan Korea) berdasarkan pilihan Pelamar, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5-8 November 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian c. Pemeriksaan Psikologi, Wawancara Substansi, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19-23 November 2014. Tempat pelaksanaan akan ditentukan kemudian 4. Tes Kesehatan, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24-29 November 2014. Tempat Pelaksanaan Ujian akan ditentukan kemudian 5. Pelamar yang lulus pada setiap tahapan ujian akan diumumkan melalui situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id 6. Seleksi dilakukan dengan sistem gugur dan keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat V. PENGUMUMAN HASIL SELEKSI ADMINISTRASI 1. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus Seleksi Administrasi adalah mereka yang telah melakukan registrasi online pada situs panselnas. menpan. go. id. dan e-cpns. kemlu. go. id serta memenuhi seluruh persyaratan kelengkapan administrasi. Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dijadwalkan akan diumumkan pada tanggal 24 September 2014 melalui situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. 2. Pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus tahapan Seleksi Administrasi diwajibkan untuk mencetak Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian (KTPU) sebagai syarat mengikuti Ujian Tulis Substansi. KTPU untuk masing-masing peserta yang dinyatakan lulus dapat diunduh pada akun pelamar di situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. 1. Seluruh informasi terkait dengan Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu TA 2014 akan disampaikan melalui situs e-cpns. kemlu. go. id. Para Pelamar disarankan untuk terus memantau situs dimaksud. 2. Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri TA 2014 tidak melayani komunikasi dalam bentuk apapun. Saran dan keluhan dapat disampaikan melalui email keluhandansarankemlu. go. id 3. Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri TA 2014 tidak memungut biaya apapun dalam Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri. 4. Kementerian Luar Negeri tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum-oknum yang mengatasnamakan Kementerian Luar Negeri atau Panitia. 5. Bagi peserta yang lulus setiap tahapan diwajibkan mengikuti seleksi tahapan berikutnya. 6. Bagi pelamar telah dinyatakan lulus seluruh tahapan Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS, diwajibkan untuk menyampaikan kelengkapan dokumen untuk pemberkasan CPNS sebagai berikut: i. Asli surat keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika, psikotropika, prekursor, dan zat adiktif lainnya terbaru (3 bulan terakhir), tidak buta warna, keterangan tidak hamil, yang dikeluarkan oleh dokter ii. Asli Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) iii. Fotokopi tanda pencari kerja (kartu kuning Kemenakertrans) yang masih berlaku. Dokumen sebagaimana dimaksud pada butir (6) disampaikan pada saat registrasi ulang CPNS. 7. Bagi mereka yang telah dinyatakan lulus hingga tahapan terakhir seleksi, tetapi mengundurkan diri diwajibkan mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan Panitia sebesar Rp 40.000.000,- (empat puluh juta rupiah) untuk disetorkan kepada Kas Negara. 8. Lamaran yang dikirimkan kepada Kementerian Luar Negeri sebelum ditayangkannya pengumuman ini dianggap tidak berlaku. 9. Keputusan Panitia dalam hal kelulusan Pelamar pada setiap tahapan tes bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. 10. Apabila Pelamar memberikan keterangan/data yang tidak benar, baik pada setiap tahapan tes/ujian maupun setelah dinyatakan lulus dan diangkat menjadi CPNS/PNS di Kementerian Luar Negeri, maka Kementerian Luar Negeri berhak membatalkan keikutsertaan Pelamar pada tahapan ujian dan/atau memberhentikan sebagai CPNS/PNS Kementerian Luar Negeri, dan melaporkan sebagai tindak pidana ke pihak yang berwenang karena telah memberikan keterangan palsu. Itulah Info tentang Lowongan Kerja ASN/CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia yang dapat Loker Oil Gas Terbaru sampaikan. Kami mohon maaf jika info Lowongan Kerja ASN/CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia sudah tidak berlaku atau kadaluwarsa. Untuk mendapatkan info Lowongan Kerja Oil Gas Pertambangan dan Perminyakan terupdate silakan buka Loker Oil Gas Terbaru setiap hari. 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